
5 Movie Characters Who Turned Out to Be More Despicable Than Any Villain

5 Movie Characters Who Turned Out to Be More Despicable Than Any Villain
Image credit: Paramount Pictures, Warp Films

These 'unintentional villains' deserve all the scorn of the audience.

Often, movies are very clear about who is the protagonist and who is the antagonist. Sometimes, however, some characters who are not supposed to raise your bile turn out to be even more repulsive than the actual villains a movie might have. Here are five examples.

Jenny Curran – Forrest Gump

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Although she wasn't intended to be villainous, the love of the title character's life turned off many viewers because of her personality and behavior. A victim of childhood sexual abuse, Jenny had a trauma that caused her to lead a self-destructive life. But the main problem with her was that she really took advantage of Forrest and his feelings for her, taking from him without giving anything in return and not allowing him to move on. Today she would be considered the epitome of a toxic partner.

Pam Byrnes – Meet the Parents

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One of the main characters in the iconic comedy starring Ben Stiller and Robert De Niro, and the girlfriend of Stiller's Greg, whose parents he is trying to impress, is not as terrible as Jenny, but she's still a pretty bad partner. She turns into a little petulant princess around her parents, pretending to be oblivious to their treatment of Greg. Worse, she is unsupportive of him at a time when he is most vulnerable and even gets him into more trouble. It's supposed to be funny, but it's disturbing.

Nick Rice – Law Abiding Citizen

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While Prosecutor Nick Rice isn't the most despicable character in the movie – even Gerard Butler's Clyde Shelton is more heinous – he is the reason these atrocities took place, as he made a deal with the murderer who raped and butchered Clyde's family in order to keep his own conviction rate high. If he hadn't been so vain, the criminal could have been retried and Clyde wouldn't have gone on a revenge killing spree.

Julianne Porter – My Best Friend's Wedding

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The premise of the movie, in which Julia Roberts' Julianne tries to win back her best friend Michael, with whom she is in love and has made a deal to get married by their thirties if they don't find someone else, and who is about to get married to another woman, sounds like a typical rom com. And it is. The problem is that Julianne selfishly goes out of her way to ruin Michael's happy relationship, earning the scorn of the audience.

Uncle Frank McCallister – Home Alone

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Kevin's parents, who completely forgot about him in the first place, are probably despicable enough, but his Uncle Frank, a cruel, selfish and grumpy man, is even more disgusting. He doesn't play much of a role in the movie, but every scene he's in leaves a bitter aftertaste, making him even more repulsive than the crooks who try to rob Kevin's house.