5 Most Unrealistic Things About Red, White & Royal Blue Fans Choose to Ignore

5 Most Unrealistic Things About Red, White & Royal Blue Fans Choose to Ignore
Image credit: Amazon Studios

Did the story of Alex and Henry seem a little off? Well, you are not alone.

White & Royal Blue certainly made our hearts skip a beat and our eyes fill with tears (of joy, of course). The queer enemies-to-lovers story of Henry, the First Son of the US, and Prince of England Alex felt uplifting, satisfying, and idealistic.

However, it definitely required viewers to turn off the side of their brain responsible for analysis and criticism. Of course, it seems quite unrealistic that the world and the boys' political families would accept their relationship so easily — but that's the beauty of the movie.

There were also a few other moments that could throw even the most uncritical viewer off balance. Let's look at some of them.

The NYE party

Alex's New Year's Eve party was a key point in the main relationship, as this was where the first kiss occurred. Before that, we see Henry all socially awkward, sitting alone in the crowd at the party, clearly trying to figure out his feelings for Alex. And this is what hits the viewers the hardest. How could a single hot prince not be the center of attention?

The Champaign

To make things even more unbelievable, Henry is seen at the party drinking champagne straight from the bottle. Apparently, for a well-mannered prince like Henry, it would have been unthinkable to drink from a bottle in public. We're not saying drinking is bad, but this just seems incredibly gauche.

The Security

As the clock strikes midnight, Henry and Alex sneak away under a giant tree for their first surprise kiss. It was one of the most romantic moments in the film, but even in fantasy, the story has to have an internal logical consistency. Many viewers had one question: Where is all the safety?

Actually, there were several episodes in the movie that showed the lack of security of the US and British first families. Sorry, but that's just not believable.

The Election

One of the most unrealistic things about Red, White & Royal Blue is the US election — and it's not that the country has elected a female president but the way some of the states voted. Are we supposed to believe that Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Nebraska's second congressional district would vote Republican, but Texas wouldn't?

The Victory Speech

After Ellen Claremont is re-elected as POTUS, the entire First Family comes on stage to greet their supporters. And this is the moment that confused many viewers. Why did Henry join them?

Even if Buckingham Palace and the White House let Alex and Henry's relationship remain public, there is no way either would allow the Prince anywhere near an American election, much less let him take the stage for the victory speech. Imagine the diplomatic mess that would cause!