5 Most Evil Game of Thrones Characters, Ranked from Worst to… Even Worse

There are some truly horrible characters in Game of Thrones. Nearly all of them are flawed in one way or another – but some are just nasty.
Here's a rundown of the 5 most evil characters in the show:
5. Lord Walder Frey – A misogynistic pervert with no thought for anyone but himself.
The lecherous old man salivating over Talisa when Robb introduced her was just grim. And when Catelyn Stark tried to bring about the end of the slaughter at the red wedding by grabbing hold of Frey's wife, he simply said he'd 'find another'. And, of course, he was involved in setting up the assassinations of the Starks.
4. Craster – Another pervert with no empathy or care for human life.
His continual rape of his daughters and murder of his sons makes it hard to believe anybody could be more selfish or cruel than him. But this is Game of Thrones we're talking about.
3. Peter 'Littlefinger' Baelish – Not quite as crass as the previous two names in many ways.
But the way he treated the girls in his brothel was disgusting. Littlefinger was utterly immoral and prepared to use anybody or anything to get what he wanted. And he played the long game, manipulating, lying and deceiving his way around the world.
2. Joffrey Baratheon – A sadistic bastard – quite literally.
As the spoilt son of Cersei (who would have appeared on this list but for the fact she at least genuinely loved her own children), his upbringing did him no favours. As king, he had no real power – that lay with Tywin – so he amused himself by having violence meted out on a whim. He was a bully – and you couldn't imagine poor Sansa being forced into marriage with anybody more deranged than Joffrey.
1. Ramsay Bolton – Another bastard, Ramsay was more of a sadist and wielded more power than Joffrey.
GoT brought us some of the most horrific TV ever. And right up there on that list are Ramsay raping Sansa while Reek watched on – and, of course, the physical and mental torture inflicted upon Theon that made him that gibbering wreck. That's not to mention how he hunted young girls for sport, killed his father and fed his stepmother and her son to his hounds. Roose may have named him a Bolton, but Ramsay remained an utter bastard in at least one sense of the word.