5 Most Depressing Seasons of Supernatural, According to Reddit

5 Most Depressing Seasons of Supernatural, According to Reddit
Image credit: The CW

These seasons were truly heart-wrenching.

The story of Supernatural is an emotional rollercoaster. Millions of fans still can't forget how they felt watching the episodes for the first time, closing their eyes in horror in early seasons, laughing at the Winchesters' jokes, worrying about Dean's impending fate in Hell, and crying over the characters' deaths in the finale.

In a recent discussion, Redditors have shared which seasons of Supernatural they find the most depressing.

5. Season 3

5 Most Depressing Seasons of Supernatural, According to Reddit - image 1

By Season 3, Dean Winchester was already a beloved character, and many found it hard to follow the season because of the dark cloud of imminent death looming over the protagonist. After selling his soul to the Crossroads Demon to save Sam, Dean had only one year to live, so the fans' fear of his impending demise grew stronger with each new episode.

4. Season 9

5 Most Depressing Seasons of Supernatural, According to Reddit - image 2

Viewers loved the Winchesters' dynamic in early seasons, so it was upsetting to see the brothers feuding in Season 9. The thing is, Dean happened to betray his brother's trust by allowing Gadreel to possess Sam. Even though he was well aware Dean was trying to save him, Sam was still angered by his actions, and their lovable dynamic suffered as a result.

3. Season 7

5 Most Depressing Seasons of Supernatural, According to Reddit - image 3

'I remember [Dean] constantly making comments about how tired he was way more than any other season,' a fan commented on Season 7.

This chapter of Supernatural is probably the hardest to digest. The brothers faced a terrible threat in the form of the Leviathans, and that wasn't all they were worried about — by that point, Bobby was dead, Castiel was gone, and Sam was slowly descending into madness because of memories of Hell. All of this made the season terribly depressing for them and the audience.

2. Season 14

5 Most Depressing Seasons of Supernatural, According to Reddit - image 4

Hunted by Michael, Dean became even more lost and miserable in Season 14. The only way out, he thought, was to lock himself away in the Ma'lak box for eternity. No matter how much Sam tried to cheer him up and convince him that they would find a solution, Dean only sank deeper into depression.

1. Season 15

5 Most Depressing Seasons of Supernatural, According to Reddit - image 5

But of course, the most heart-wrenching of all was Supernatural Season 15.

'It broke my heart when it was revealed God was always against the brothers. Just knowing the creator of the universe enjoys watching you suffer is just a kick in the heart,' a Redditor noted.

Many believed that the writers should not have made Chuck the main villain; his departure with Amara would have been a perfect conclusion to the story. Instead, it would have been more interesting to see The Empty as the main threat to the Winchesters.

Source: Reddit.