5 Mind-Blowing Details in Supernatural You'll Only Notice on Rewatch

Keep an eye out for these next time you watch the beloved show!
It's been almost three years since the last episode of The WB and The CW's iconic mystery drama Supernatural aired, but the show remains one of the most beloved projects on TV. Even the prequel, The Winchesters, can't match its parent's popularity with audiences worldwide, which is why it only lasted a single season.
Supernatural premiered in 2005 and ran for a whopping fifteen seasons, changing networks along the way. Throughout its extensive run, the show made us fall in love with its two protagonists, Dean and Sam Winchester, as they hunted and eliminated all kinds of beasts while trying to save the world from the apocalypse. And while we paid close attention to their adventures, there were a few things we inevitably missed.
Here are just five details you might notice while rewatching Supernatural.
5. Nods to other franchises
While many projects prefer to create their own worlds, others opt for crossovers with other shows. In that sense, Supernatural was somewhere in the middle. It didn't mingle with another series, but it did have certain references to other big-name franchises. For example, episode 12 of season 2 featured a magazine with a Cyberman on the cover, a reference to the BBC's cult show Doctor Who.
4. Actors' reappearances
It's not uncommon for shows to recast background actors for different roles over the course of a project. Supernatural was no exception in this regard, rehiring certain actors to portray various supporting characters. For example, Krissy's dad is the same actor who plays Ishim on the show.
3. Good vs. Evil
Supernatural makes extensive use of the biblical narrative of good and evil, with angels and demons vying for this world. And while at first you might be tempted to root for the good guys, it becomes clear upon rewatch that the angels' methods are more than questionable, and the demons happen to be the more honest folk.
2. Foreshadowing of God
Speaking of the Bible, Supernatural couldn't help but introduce God into the story. Throughout the seasons, it was implied that He walked among the other characters. After rewatching the show, it is made abundantly clear that Chuck is the Almighty. However, the reveal is withheld until the very end of the show.
1. A ton of comedy
Being a mystery supernatural drama, full of personal struggles and romance, the show in question actually features many brilliant jokes and one-liners that make it more of a comedy show than many cheesy sitcoms out there.