5 Harsh Realities of Watching Vampire Diaries for the First Time in 2023

Here are a few problems with the show you need to be aware of.
Even though The Vampire Diaries ended in 2017, the iconic show continues to attract new viewers with each passing year. But as long-time fans, we must warn you there are some disappointing things you'll find in The Vampire Diaries if you decide to watch it for the first time in 2023.
Werewolves are the worst
Although the title of the show only mentions vampires, The Vampire Diaries also features witches and werewolves. This may sound exciting on paper, but the reality is a bit harsh.
While witches and vampires get the best storylines, the werewolf characters are sidelined and not properly explored in the show. Apparently, the writers added them to the story just to make it look more like Twilight.
Vampires don't adhere to our morals
The witches and vampires in the show behave nothing like normal people, which is why we shouldn't blame them for cheating or quickly changing romantic partners. Well, at least that's what the writers tried to make us believe to justify Elena's behavior when she kept changing her mind about Stefan or Damon from episode to episode.
Bonnie has been abandoned by the writers
Even though Bonnie Bennett is described as one of the show's main characters, the writers paid little attention to this great heroine. Longtime fans of Vampire Diaries are still upset that Bonnie was not given any interesting storylines in the 136 episodes she appeared in. Yikes.
The actors' age difference is problematic
Damon and Stefan were supposed to look like teenagers, but Ian Somerhalder and Paul Wesley were obviously older than that, both approaching their thirties. That's why people were a little alarmed that the producers decided to cast Nina Dobrev (20 at the time) alongside older actors. Why not cast, say, a 27-year-old actress?
The show gets worse with time
The Vampire Diaries ran for eight seasons, but don't expect every episode to be as great as the first. Longtime fans of the show have learned to live with this drop in quality, and if you'll have to deal with it too. After Season 4, you'll find that the show feels like a cheap soap, but fortunately, some of the storylines in the following seasons are fairly entertaining.