5 Game of Thrones Characters Who Deserved to Kill the Night King More Than Arya

5 Game of Thrones Characters Who Deserved to Kill the Night King More Than Arya
Image credit: HBO

The way the showrunners handled Aegon's prophecy was incredibly lame.

The death of the Night King was greeted somewhat underwhelmingly by many Game of Thrones fans. To be fair, so was most of season 8.

But while one of the show's greatest assets has been that we have come to expect the unexpected, there are other characters who, when it comes to the finale, probably deserve that honour more than Arya Stark.

Here are 5 of them:

Jon Snow

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Yes, it's obvious and would have played right into the "hero wins the day" trope. But Jon had spent a huge chunk of his life trying to defeat the Night King. And he had already proven himself to be a true warrior. Plus, it would have fulfilled a prophecy and given him a reason to rise from the dead.

Jaime Lannister

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The Kingslayer. Jaime was another proven fighter who went through an epic character arc. Although he eventually returned to Cersei, had he slain the Night King, songs would have been sung about him for generations to come.

Brienne of Tarth

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She defeated the Hound in a sword fight. If that doesn't qualify her as skilled enough to bring down the army of the dead, I don't know what does. She has been loyal throughout, keeping her promise to protect the Stark girls. And this killing would have rounded out her story perfectly.


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Another proven fighter. He helped teach Jaime to fight again and was a former Kingsguard. But he didn't care much for the Game of Thrones. Having someone so detached from the whole 'family honour' thing would have added a sense of poetry to the end of the battle and been a precursor to Dany's rampage - proving that everything that had gone before was pointless posturing.

Daenerys Targaryen

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Hear me out. Dany's descent into madness is the result of a lifetime of having to fight for what she believed was rightfully hers. And let's not forget that her journey has been a hard one. Had she been forced into a situation where she had to kill the Night King without Drogon's help, she could have proven herself a fighter, a hero and a true queen. It would have been all she ever wanted.

And then she could have gone mad and destroyed King's Landing anyway, because she just didn't understand the magnitude of what she had done, because she was so obsessed with the Iron Throne.