5 Explosive Reddit Takes that Prove American Idol Should be Cancelled

5 Explosive Reddit Takes that Prove American Idol Should be Cancelled
Image credit: ABC

American Idol has lost its luster after so many years, and fans are done with it.

American Idol is among rare companies. The singing competition TV series is not only synonymous with American pop culture but ranks among the most popular and feverish shows to debut since the turn of the 21st century.

Be that as it may, every TV series reaches a pivotal point where it must finally give it up. And, according to Redditors, that moment has finally arrived for American Idol. Here are some interesting takes regarding why American Idol should finally be cancelled.

#1 American Idol Should be Cancelled

Presently, American Idol continues to run with a new season of contestants and a revolving door of judges. However, that doesn't mean audiences are pleased with the final result. In general, American Idol hasn't shifted its format too much since the TV series first aired in 2002. Still, the deterioration of the show is evident by the lack of talent.

As indicated by numerous Redditors, there is not a universal contestant that fans despise. Regardless, most are not very tolerant toward many of the candidates that have appeared since season 12 of American Idol.

Despite a short-lived comeback (the first few seasons Idol switched from Fox to ABC) the show hasn't produced a noteworthy superstar in years and has been 'lazily thrown together,' according to viewers.

#2 American Idol Contestants are 'Boring'

What was once a TV series designed to showcase singing talent and live performance has devolved into a sellout. According to fans, American Idol once cared about discovering talented singers and performers.

Today, the series is more invested in its bottom line and protecting the little respect it still garners from viewers. 'The last couple of [contestants] who have won [Idol] are no better than people I hear at karaoke,' one Redditor lamented.

#3 American Idol Soldout

American Idol, once an icon of the American Dream and achieving stardom, has divulged into ordinary reality competition TV struggling among numeros other options for viewership. Therefore, Idol has bought into the gimmicks of other productions that make it more about the drama than the actual talent.

Redditors acknowledge that American Idol has soldout.

'[The producers] are no longer interested in launching the next star,' one fan complained. 'If they actually are, [the producers] simply do not have a single pulse on what the public is interested in.'

#4 Unfair Judges Spoil American Idol

Look, a singing competition show should be about the actual talent. However, it's been made abundantly clear by Redditors that Idol could care less about promoting talent over good looks and whatever else is considered desirable by the network to push an agenda.

Thus, it's hard to take a show seriously when it doesn't actually endorse good or fair competition.

'[The judges] choose contestants/finalists on how good they are for TV, not good they are at singing,' another Redditor ranted about the unfair treatment made by judges on American Idol.

#5 Contestants Represent 'White America'

The lack of diversity and fair treatment has angered some viewers that regard Idol as having an agenda to promote. According to one Redditor, in the beginning American Idol was serious about promoting talented individuals. Now, all it cares about is finding candidates that '[the producers] know white American will vote for them.'

American Idol Season 21 Episode 15 'Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Night' will arrive on ABC on April 30, 2023.

Source: Reddit.