5 Criminal Minds Episodes So Bad, They Are Practically Unwatchable

The hit show had a lot of failures.
Although Criminal Minds is often cited as one of the best crime shows of all time, the quality of writing and acting wasn't always stellar, as some episodes were so poorly conceived that fans couldn't help but cringe while watching them.
Here are the five worst Criminal Minds episodes.
5. Magnificent Light (Season 8 Episode 9)
This episode focuses on an unusual case in which the unsub draws some cryptic messages on the walls with the blood of his victims. While the potential for a great episode was clearly there, the writers ruined the story by making the BAU team act more stupid than ever, with agents asking the most banal things during interrogations.
4. The Wheels on the Bus… (Season 8 Episode 8)
The story of unsubs kidnapping an entire bus of kids to make them fight for their lives in a video game reenactment might sound exciting on paper, but the end result proved to be a total train wreck. The episode is poorly written and features one of the most disappointing finales Criminal Minds has ever seen.
3. Future Perfect (Season 11 Episode 10)
Although the case of an unsub torturing people to get a cure for a disease was a great central storyline, viewers were too upset that Matthew Gray Gubler's Reid was not there in the episode. Many felt that Criminal Minds simply could not exist without the beloved nerdy doctor.
2. Internal Affairs (Season 11 Episode 9)
Drug cartel murders are always a tricky thing for the writers to get right, as the amount of similar content has been so overwhelming in recent years that viewers tend to get bored whenever a show mentions this trivial theme. Also, the fact that Reid was once again absent from this episode didn't help.
1. Burn (Season 10 Episode 2)
Though the central mystery of Roman symbols being cut out of victims' bodies was quite compelling to follow, the subplot of Garcia visiting the man she shot while protecting Reid was really hated by fans. They say Garcia felt guilty for no apparent reason and didn't need to even ask for forgiveness.