5 Classic Fantasy Series to Get Addicted to This Winter

5 Classic Fantasy Series to Get Addicted to This Winter
Image credit: BBC

While most of them are fairly new releases, they all deserve to be considered classics.

Sure, it's always best to be realistic about life and your current position in it. But sometimes we all want to escape it. This is when fantasy shows come in handy. So if you're in the mood for a break from reality, here are five classic fantasy series, ranked by their IMDb scores.

Emerald City (2017, 1 season, 7.1 on IMDb)

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Although this series only ran for one season, it is definitely worth your attention. Based on L. Frank Baum's Oz saga, this bold take on the classic story follows Dorothy Gale, a nurse from Kansas who discovers she is actually from Oz. As she embarks on a perilous journey there to discover the truth about her origins, she must navigate local politics and save the world from the greatest evil.

Legend of the Seeker (2008-2010, 2 seasons, 7.6 on IMDb)

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Set in the world created by Terry Goodkind, this fantasy series revolves around Richard Cypher, who is chosen to be the next Seeker of Truth. Accompanied by a powerful wizard and a will-binding sorceress, The Mother Confessor, he must free their land from a bloodthirsty dictator and later save it from the Keeper of the Underworld. Authentic and thrilling, this two-season series is a must-see for any fantasy lover.

Once Upon a Time (2011-2018, 7 seasons, 7.7 on IMDb)

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ABC's hit fantasy series follows a cast of characters loosely based on famous fairy tales and their Disney adaptations. Set simultaneously in Storybrooke, a small town in Maine, and the Enchanted Forest, the story primarily follows Emma Swan, a woman who grew up in our world, as she tries to find out who she really is and save her family and friends, as well as the entire world, from a variety of magical villains. Best described as a mystery drama sprinkled with a ton of fairy dust (literally), the show has plenty of intriguing plot twists to keep you hooked.

His Dark Materials (2019-2022, 3 seasons, 7.8 on IMDb)

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Titled after Philip Pullman's trilogy of the same name, this HBO show boasts an all-star cast led by James McAvoy, Ruth Wilson, and Dafne Keen, as well as an intriguing plot. Set in a parallel world ruled by an all-powerful semi-religious organization called the Magisterium, where people have magical lifelong companions who represent their souls, HDM follows Lyra Belacqua as she attempts to uncover the truth about the world while battling the evil Magisterium.

Merlin (2008-2012, 5 season, 7.9 on IMDb)

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The classic BBC fantasy drama follows the classic plot of British legend. Centering on young Merlin and his quest to learn magic and secretly help Arthur become the king he's destined to be, the show is full of exciting British folklore, plot twists, and medieval-style battles. What more do we need to say to convince you that it's perfect viewing?