5 Biggest Twists in Virgin River Season 5 Ending and What They Might Mean

5 Biggest Twists in Virgin River Season 5 Ending and What They Might Mean
Image credit: Netflix

Who is Mel's father?

As usual, Virgin River left viewers scratching their heads with all the cliffhangers in its action-packed finale titled 'Labor Day.' Luckily, this time the finale is mid-season, and we can look forward to two special Christmas-themed episodes arriving on Netflix on November 30.

Hopefully, the upcoming episodes will answer at least some of the questions raised by 'Labor Day.' In the meantime, let's look at five key plot twists and consider what they might mean for Virgin River and its residents.

Melissa is arrested

With the help of Brady, the Virgin River drug cartel seems to be finally over. After a wild fight, Melissa is arrested. But the story does not end there.

The FBI takes over the premises of Jack's glamping business to investigate Melissa's operation, putting its future in jeopardy. No doubt we'll be hearing more about the whole drug thing and how it affects our beloved characters.

Lizzie is pregnant

Season 5 developed Lizzie and Denny's relationship. The two got together and seemed solid until the finale, when Denny asked Lizzie to join him on a trip around the world and she dropped the bombshell that she was pregnant.

How will that affect their relationship? Denny has a good reason to go on the trip he has always wanted to take. After all, his active days are limited due to his Huntington's disease. At the same time, he can't leave Lizzie and their child. Looks like we'll be seeing more of this couple in the coming seasons.

Calvin is the twins' father

When Melissa is taken into custody, Calvin suddenly shows up. Not only is he alive and well, but he is the real father of Charmaine's children and is willing to act like it.

This is a stunning twist that could change the dynamics of the community. Jake and Calvin's feud was bad before, and now it is about to get a lot worse. Will Charmaine and Calvin stay in Virgin River after all this? That's the question.

A body is found in the woods

Preacher's life seems to be looking up this season with new love interest Kaia moving to town. However, things are ruined for him again in the finale, as firefighters discover a body buried in the woods.

The only body we know about is Wes', and that means Preacher will have to deal with his and Paige's secret after all. Besides, it could also mean that Paige will return next season.

Mel's father lives in Virgin River

The cliffhanger that will likely be explored in the holiday specials is the identity of Mel's real father. In the finale, her sister finds letters from her mother to a mysterious man in Virgin River and deduces that he is Mel's biological father.

But who could it be? We want to say Doc. But that remains to be seen.

Who do you think is Mel's father?