5 Biggest Game of Thrones Fails That Made Season 8 Irredeemable

5 Biggest Game of Thrones Fails That Made Season 8 Irredeemable
Image credit: HBO

When one of the most popular TV shows of all time signs off with what’s widely regarded as one of the most disappointing endings of all time – you know something has gone seriously wrong.

Here are the 5 biggest reasons that made season 8 irredeemable:

5. Melisandre’s death

The way in which characters were killed was, for the most part, significant. But Melisandre died peacefully on her own terms – which was at odds with some of the awful things she did. She may have genuinely believed in the Lord of Light, but was there any justification for burning Shireen at the stake? Viewers deserved much better. Or, to put it another way, Melisandre deserved much worse.

5 Biggest Game of Thrones Fails That Made Season 8 Irredeemable - image 1

4. The death of the Night King

This foreboding character was the real threat to Westeros. He was at the centre of a subplot that weaved its way through the entire series – always seemingly looming larger than the battle for the Iron Throne or any feud between families.

Jon Snow was The Prince Who Was Promised and the only hope of defeating the army of the dead. Only, he wasn’t. Because, inexplicably, Arya Stark killed the Night King. So, the prophecy storyline was wrong all along!

3. Arya not killing Cersei

In the same way that Jon Snow should have been the one to finish the Night King, everything was set up for Arya to kill Cersei. It would have rounded off her story nicely and been a fitting end due to Cersei’s part in Ned’s beheading. Instead, Cersei was another one who got let off lightly when it came to exiting the show.

2. Tyrion becoming a liability

From the moment he first appeared on screen, Tyrion was smart. He saw things for how they were and was able to manipulate things to his will in almost any situation. His character arc for most of the show was pretty decent – and the fact that he didn’t always get things right made him more believable. But as hand to Daenerys, he seemed to lose all his wit and wisdom. This was never really explained and seemed to serve no real purpose. If anything, Dany gradually taking less notice of Tyrion’s smart advice as the season wore on would have made for a better ending for her and the show.

1. Daenerys’ rapid descent into madness

That the daughter of the ‘Mad King’ would herself succumb to madness was not a bad plotline. The problem was that it happened too fast. Facing adversity from the outset of her journey, Dany was portrayed as a hero for most of the show – and viewers felt for her when she had to make big calls in Slaver’s Bay. These were the first signs that leadership was tougher than she imagined. They should have been the start of a gradual change in persona. Instead, she hardly developed at all until her rushed unravelling over just two episodes.