5 Best Law & Order: SVU Episodes for Every Rollisi Shipper

Let's take a look at the timeline of one of the show's most popular couples.
NBC's Law & Order: SVU has been around forever, and fans have always appreciated that the show's writers pay attention not only to compelling weekly criminal cases, but also to building chemistry between characters.
And among the dozens of romantic pairings in the show's two-decade history, that of Dominick Carisi and Amanda Rollins has always been considered the most heartwarming, as this pair of detectives truly proved that they were meant to be together.
Here are 5 episodes worth watching for all Rollisi fans:
"Catfishing Teacher" (Season 17 Episode 10)
At the time, both Rollins and Carisi were fairly new to the team and obviously not yet in love, just working side-by-side as partners.
But it was in this episode that fans first saw the potential of the two possibly being together, as Carisi showed Rollins that he was not afraid to take care of her children – when her daughter Jesse started crying during lunch, Carisi was able to calm her down quite easily, and the look on Rollins' face said it all, making people ship the two ever since.
"In the Year We All Fell Down" (Season 22 Episode 12)
Fast forward to 5 years later and Rollins and Carisi are already great friends, caring for each other much more than co-workers. When Rollins' father was in the hospital, Carisi decided to spend the day with her and her dad, taking care of both of them.
This episode is filled with little details that show Rollins and Carisi's affection for each other, and fans love it as it paves the way for their eventual relationship.
"Wolves in Sheep's Clothing" (Season 22 Episode 16)
The moment all Rollisi fans have been waiting for finally happened in the season finale – Rollins and Carisi finally kissed during the almost-wedding between Fin and Phoebe.
When the wedding was called off, Carisi asked Rollins to hear the speech he had prepared for the occasion, and after hearing this heartfelt monologue, Rollins kissed her partner, cementing this scene as one of the most romantic in SVU history.
"If I Knew Then What I Know Now" (Season 23 Episode 13)
After the previously mentioned episode, Carisi and Rollins had been secretly dating, and fans were getting a little tired of the two of them keeping quiet about their feelings for each other.
So, when they finally spilled the beans about their relationship to Benson in episode 13, they officially became a couple, making fans extremely happy.
"And a Trauma in a Pear Tree" (Season 24 Episode 9)
Carisi and Rollins' surprise wedding became one of the biggest moments of the current season, and even the fact that Rollins left the SVU department didn't spoil it for viewers. Fans were thrilled to see the two finally exchange rings, and the fact that all of their colleagues were there to support them made the scene even sweeter.