12 K-Dramas Every Beginner Should Watch First, According to Reddit

12 K-Dramas Every Beginner Should Watch First, According to Reddit
Image credit: Netflix

Dive into the K-Drama universe, and where do you start? Reddit's got you covered.

With a library as vast as Seoul's skyline, picking the first 12 can be as daunting as ordering in a Korean BBQ joint for the first time. But fear not, because the netizens have spoken.

Get your watchlist ready; according to the Reddit hive mind, these 12 K-Dramas are where your journey should begin – a journey into heart, humor, and everything in between, sans the overwhelm.

These 12 K-Dramas aren't just good; they're the gateway to a world where every scene's a painting, every plot twist a masterstroke.

Think of them as your essential K-Drama starter pack, handpicked by those who've navigated these waters, popcorn in hand. We're talking classics that have set the bar high, stories that resonate across cultures, and characters as layered as a well-made kimchi.

And here's a fun fact: some of these shows didn't just break the mold; they smashed it, offering a fresh take on everything from romance to thriller, setting trends that the industry's been riding on since. No CGI-heavy antics here; it's all about the raw, the real, the kind of storytelling that can make you laugh and weep in a single episode.