
10 Worst Movie Sequels That Should Have Never Happened

10 Worst Movie Sequels That Should Have Never Happened
Image credit: Legion-Media

Welcome to the hall of cinematic misadventures, where every scene is a reminder that in the world of movie-making, the sequel is not always the hero we hoped for.

In the vast universe of cinema, where sequels can be either a hit or a miss, these 10 movie follow-ups landed, unfortunately, in the latter category.

Imagine the anticipation, the build-up, the collective holding of breath as the opening credits roll, only to be met with plots that spiral out of control and characters who've lost their spark.

It's not just about falling short of the original; it's about these sequels taking a storyline that soared and grounding it without grace.

Some of these cinematic missteps came with hefty budgets, betting big but playing their cards all wrong. In an industry where more often means better, these sequels prove that sometimes, less is more.

Forget the notion of expanding the universe; these titles shrank it, diluting the magic that made the first film a hit. As we unpack these 10 sequels, it's a parade of what-not-to-dos, a series of cautionary tales that shout louder than any on-screen explosion: some stories are best left untold.