10 Underwhelming Game of Thrones Moments That Had Us Saying 'Meh'

10 Underwhelming Game of Thrones Moments That Had Us Saying 'Meh'
Image credit: HBO

It wasn't all great you know…

Overall, Game of Thrones was a great show. But it's impossible to get everything right over 8 seasons.

Here are 10 examples of when Game of Thrones was a bit 'meh':

10. Varys prisoner

The actual moment when Varys reveals the story of how he became a eunuch, and then reveals that he has a wizard trapped in a box, is compelling. But that's about it. We never find out what happened to him, and he's pretty much dramatically introduced and then forgotten about – which is the 'meh' part of this one.

9. Bran and friends chased through the snow

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Now, it was hard enough to get on board with this bunch because their whole storyline was boring. But when they were being chased through the snow with what looked like lasers being fired at them, it was like we were suddenly watching a completely different show.

8. Hodor gets his name

Do me a favour!! 'Hold the door'? There's cheap writing and then this load of dross.

7. Cersei sparing Tyrion

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One of the best things about Game of Thrones was that we always knew that no one was safe. And when Tyrion approached Cersei to tell her the game was up and to protect her baby, it should have been the end for him. She had nothing left to fight for and she had always hated him. If Tyrion was going to live, it should have been because of a compelling plot twist, not a twee speech.

6. Varys' death

Varys was a huge part of the story and deserved a much better ending. His 'little birds' were everywhere, and he seemed to have such massive influence at one point. He had climbed from nowhere to a position of great power and was then just snuffed out. A real shame.

5. Stannis' death

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Again, a character who deserved so much more. Indeed, the viewers deserved so much more. Let's not forget that he was the true heir to the throne, had brutally sacrificed his own daughter and killed his brother using some sort of weird magic that, bizarrely, never appeared in the show again.

And then what? His army was easily defeated and he was simply struck down by Brienne of Tarth. The character (and Stephen Dillane's performance) demanded a far more significant and notable death.

4. Jon Snow coming back to life

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Ok, we all know this is fantasy. But even in a fantasy world, viewers deserve to know where the boundaries are and what the rules are. And so far we have understood that death means... well, death.

So Jon's death at the hands of the Night's Watch was a huge moment in the series. None of us really expected him to die. But his time was up. The whole narrative of the show had shifted. Until he was brought back to life!


Once again it was Melisandre and her God-given magical powers. And once again it felt like a cop-out by the writers.

3. Jon Snow being spared

It might sound like I just wanted Jon Snow dead. That's not correct. But once again, you have to question how this came to pass. After killing Dany, Jon should surely have been at risk of becoming a toasted snack for Drogon. But no.

Having dodged that bullet, though, his next problem was Grey Worm. This was a man who was fiercely loyal to his queen and simply carried out orders as the law dictated. We'd only recently seen him (in the same episode) carrying out summary executions of those who opposed Daenerys Targaryen.

But when Jon Snow actually stabbed her to death, he was able to let it slide. Somehow, this didn't feel right.

2. The Night King Defeated in no time

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Defeating the Night King always felt like it was probably on the cards. Dismissing him as if he were a fly being swatted away by The Hound didn't.

For 8 seasons we were led to believe this was the real threat to the realm. For centuries, the Night's Watch had protected civilization from this threat. The Army of the Dead had increasingly looked like an insurmountable force as we witnessed it grow in numbers and become ever more deadly.

Then they rocked up and got killed by a child. A very disappointing end to what had, at one point, looked like being the major storyline of the last couple of seasons.

1. Bran named king

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Yes, this is the most obvious of all the 'meh' moments in the show. And with good reason. You could argue that killing the Night King was even worse. But there is a key difference between the two. When the Night King was defeated, we all felt a bit 'meh', but we still had something to look forward to.

There was still the anticipation of a grand finale; a showdown that would shake us to our core. Instead, we got the madness of Dany destroying King's Landing, followed by that bland ending to the whole series. Sure, Bran could see visions. But did any of them ever actually come to fruition?

So, what did he actually bring to the table? That's right; nothing.