10 Popular TV Shows With Best Pilot Episode, According to Reddit

10 Popular TV Shows With Best Pilot Episode, According to Reddit
Image credit: Legion-Media, ABC, AMC, HBO

If you were there when Lost premiered, you know what we’re talking about here.

1. The Walking Dead (AMC, 2010)

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Picture this. You wake up from a coma in a deserted hospital. You walk outside, only to find abandoned cars, shattered windows, and...wait for it...flesh-eating zombies! The pilot episode of The Walking Dead hits you like a bat (an ironic nod to Lucille, for the fans out there). Right from the very start TWD fans couldn't get enough of the apocalyptic ambiance, the intense suspense, and Rick Grimes' startled awakening to a world changed forever. The Reddit threads buzzed with discussions about the show's grim realism and striking contrasts between the pre- and post-apocalyptic world, all set up effectively in this highly engaging pilot.

2. Westworld (HBO, 2016)

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Imagine an amusement park where you can live out your wildest Wild West fantasies, complete with artificial "hosts." Sounds thrilling, right? Until the hosts start remembering what you've done. The pilot episode of Westworld introduced us to a complex world that blurs the lines between reality and AI fantasy, delving into the moral dilemmas of human consciousness. Viewers praised the pilot's cinematic visuals, its existential musings, and the engaging narrative that hinted at the chaos to follow. The narrative twists and turns had us all hooked, with debates sprawling across Reddit threads dissecting every minute detail.

3. Mad Men (AMC, 2007)

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The pilot episode, dubbed "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes," plunged viewers into the world of 1960s Madison Avenue advertising. Viewers were captivated by the suave Don Draper, as he navigated the smoky, sexist, and cutthroat world of advertising. It felt like the whole Internet was abuzz with the episode's striking visual aesthetic, nuanced character introductions, and the shocking reveal of Don's dual life. Fans lauded the episode's atmospheric narrative, which laid the groundwork for the complex character arcs and social commentaries that would unfold over the series.

4. Twin Peaks (ABC, 1990)

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A surreal blend of horror, mystery, and black comedy set in an idyllic small town, the pilot episode of Twin Peaks took viewers on a thrilling rollercoaster ride that they still haven't quite recovered from. The mysterious murder of homecoming queen Laura Palmer set the stage for an enthralling journey into the town's bizarre and unsettling underbelly. Fans adored the quirky characters, the atmospheric storytelling, and the way David Lynch masterfully straddled the line between mundane small-town life and eerie supernatural elements. Twin Peaks became an overnight sensation, sparking endless theories, debates, and a newfound appreciation for cherry pie.

5. Breaking Bad (AMC, 2008)

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What do you get when you mix a high school chemistry teacher, a diagnosis of terminal lung cancer, and a former student turned small-time meth manufacturer? No, not a terrible joke, but the incendiary pilot episode of Breaking Bad. Fans couldn't stop raving about how this episode perfectly distilled (like a fine batch of blue meth) the desperation of Walter White, played by Bryan Cranston, launching us headfirst into a grim and gripping saga of morally grey choices and killer cliffhangers.

6. Lost (ABC, 2004)

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With 24 Emmy nominations for the first season alone, the pilot episode of Lost was practically a movie, and Reddit seems to agree! The episode crash lands us onto a mysterious island after a terrifying plane crash, introducing an ensemble cast with more secrets than the island itself. Reddit users loved how the episode masterfully balanced mystery, drama, and a polar bear. Yes, a polar bear. We weren't kidding about the mystery part.

7. Game of Thrones (HBO, 2011)

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"Winter is coming," warned Ned Stark in the series premiere, and so was our addiction to this sprawling, sword-clashing, dragon-firing epic. The pilot is still remembered for effectively introducing us to the Seven Kingdoms, the power-hungry houses, and a family of platinum blondes with a penchant for dragons. This episode had viewers gripping their remote tighter than a Lannister holding onto power.

8. The Sopranos (HBO, 1999)

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Cue the New Jersey accent. The Sopranos kicked off with a bang, literally, and viewers couldn't get enough of the charismatic mob boss with anxiety issues, Tony Soprano. The pilot gracefully swung us between Tony's family squabbles at home, mob squabbles at work, and his squabbles with himself during therapy sessions. It was this distinct blend of crime, drama, and dark humor that had fans singing praises like a canary.

9. Stranger Things (Netflix, 2016)

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80's nostalgia, a missing kid, a mysterious girl, and a group of nerdy friends. Sounds like the ingredients for a killer pilot episode, right? Pretty much everyone still thinks so! The opening episode of Stranger Things was an homage to 80's pop culture, doused in mystery and sprinkled with supernatural elements. It became an instant hit on the web, with viewers lauding the episode's gripping plot, eerie atmosphere, and nostalgic charm.

10. The X-Files (FOX, 1993)

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Closing our list with a bang, the pilot episode of The X-Files took TV by storm. Introducing us to FBI agents Mulder and Scully, the series kicked off with an intriguing investigation into possible extraterrestrial activity. Viewers loved the episode's chilling tone, the engaging dynamic between the believer (Mulder) and the skeptic (Scully), and the promise of the paranormal that loomed large over every scene. With its mix of horror, science fiction, and drama, the episode quickly won over our hearts, sparking discussions that continue even three decades later.