10 Never-Resolved Sam Winchester Plot Holes in Supernatural

10 Never-Resolved Sam Winchester Plot Holes in Supernatural
Image credit: The CW

In the world of 'Supernatural,' where demons, angels, and everything in-between roam, Sam Winchester's life is a tapestry of the bizarre and the downright supernatural, but even in this chaos, there are plot holes that stand out, glaring like a neon sign in a dark, deserted alley.

These 10 plot holes in Sam's story are a bit like those pesky loose threads on a favorite sweater; you can try to ignore them, but they're always there, subtly unraveling parts of what you thought you knew.

Sure, 'Supernatural' has always been more about the thrill of the hunt, the brotherly banter, and the campy, edge-of-your-seat showdowns with creatures of the night, rather than dotting the i's and crossing the t's of every storyline.

But these unresolved chapters in Sam's journey stick out, serving as reminders that sometimes the show ran like a classic rock-fueled road trip, more focused on the scenery and the ride, rather than the map and the destination.

So, while we loved the show for its ability to blend the eerie with the endearing, these plot holes in Sam's story are like puzzle pieces lost under the couch, leaving us to wonder what the full picture could have been.