10 Allegedly Based on True Story Movies and Their Real-Life Counterparts

While some take a few more creative liberties than others, each offers a glimpse into captivating stories that shaped our world.
The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)
Director: Gabriele Muccino
A heartbreaking journey of Chris Gardner (Will Smith), a struggling salesman, and his son through the maze of homelessness. Gardner's sheer will pulls them through, leading him to a life-changing opportunity as a stockbroker. The core of the story is accurate. However, Gardner's internship was not unpaid as the movie portrays. Also, the film paints a time frame of a year – but in reality? Gardner's strife lasted even longer. Will Smith's son, Jaden Smith, played his on-screen child. Now, this is what we call about keeping it in the family!
A Beautiful Mind (2001)
Director: Ron Howard
Mathematician John Nash (Russell Crowe) navigates life with schizophrenia while contributing groundbreaking work to his field. The movie paints an inspiring portrait of a man wrestling his own mind. Though the overarching narrative is spot-on, Nash didn't see imaginary friends. Instead, he heard voices. Also, his personal life – affairs and child out of wedlock – is somewhat glossed over for Hollywood's palate.
Catch Me If You Can (2002)
Director: Steven Spielberg
A cat-and-mouse chase, this story revolves around Frank Abagnale Jr. (Leonardo DiCaprio), a young conman who impersonates various professions and eludes the FBI. Spielberg's take is incredibly loyal to the real escapades. However, the movie amps up the 'chase' aspect. In reality, the FBI weren't always hot on his trail. Frank Abagnale Jr. himself makes a cameo in the film. Try to spot him next time!
The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)
Director: Martin Scorsese
The intoxicating life of stockbroker Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio), filled with excesses. From drugs to scams, Belfort's life spirals wildly before the inevitable crash. Scorsese masterfully crafts Belfort's biography, but certain sequences, like the dramatic Quaalude crawl, were amped up for cinematic punch. And some characters were composites, not real individuals. Scorsese himself had a minor role in the movie – keep your eyes peeled for the infomercial host!
The Imitation Game (2014)
Director: Morten Tyldum
Alan Turing (Benedict Cumberbatch), the genius mathematician, develops a machine to decrypt German codes during World War II. While Turing did face persecution for his sexuality post-war, the movie took liberties with his interpersonal relationships and the dynamics of his team. That machine Turing develops? It's the precursor to our modern computers.
Spotlight (2015)
Director: Tom McCarthy
Boston Globe's 'Spotlight' team uncovers the massive child molestation scandal within the Catholic Church. Starring a group of A-listers including Michael Keaton and Mark Ruffalo, the film remains largely true, capturing the exhaustive investigative process. Yet, for dramatic tension, some conversations and confrontations were products of creative liberty. The real 'Spotlight' team consulted throughout the movie's production.
127 Hours (2010)
Director: Danny Boyle
The plot here is rather simple on the surface: a mountaineer (James Franco) gets trapped under a boulder and faces life-altering decisions. Aron Ralston's agonizing ordeal is depicted with gut-wrenching accuracy, except for some dream sequences Boyle added for depth and pacing. Ralston himself provided Franco with insights to authentically portray the traumatic event, so what you see in 127 Hours is basically as real as it can get.
The Social Network (2010)
Director: David Fincher
Yet another seemingly straightforward plot: Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg)'s creation of Facebook leads to fame, fortune, and a plethora of lawsuits. The essence is captured, but Zuckerberg's motivation in the movie – a breakup – is not the real impetus behind Facebook. Also, some characters, like Sean Parker, are more villainized than in real life.
American Sniper (2014)
Director: Clint Eastwood
The movie showcases Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle's life, both on the battlefield and back home. While capturing the spirit of Kyle's autobiography, Eastwood's interpretation dramatizes some events, like the enemy sniper duel, which wasn't as significant in real life. Bradley Cooper underwent intense training to portray Kyle convincingly.
Hidden Figures (2016)
Director: Theodore Melfi
Three African-American women (played by ever-brilliant Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer, and Janelle Monáe) play crucial roles in NASA's space race. While the accomplishments of the central trio are faithfully depicted, certain events, like Katherine Johnson's "restroom speech," were added for dramatic effect. The film led to a resurgence in interest in the history of women and POC in STEM fields.