
Yes, Even Oppenheimer's Cillian Murphy Going to See Barbie: 'I Can't Wait'

Yes, Even Oppenheimer's Cillian Murphy Going to See Barbie: 'I Can't Wait'
Image credit: Legion-Media

The cast of both films are excited about the double feature.

July has been the most meta month in the movie industry this year, with the most anticipated crossover, Barbenheimer, hitting theaters in just over a week.

We're joking, of course, about the crossover, but the prospect of seeing two potential blockbusters, Greta Gerwig's Barbie and Christopher Nolan's Oppenheimer, over the same opening weekend is truly exciting for all fans out there.

And it looks like casual viewers aren't the only ones who are thrilled about this upcoming double feature, as the cast of both movies have expressed their desire to see the films as soon as they premiere. Previously, Greta Gerwig and Margot Robbie, Barbie's lead actress, shared their photos in front of the Oppenheimer poster, showing off their tickets to the film. And recently, the cast of Nolan's biopic joined in, including the movie's lead Cillian Murphy.

Murphy portrayed the main character in Nolan's upcoming biopic, theoretical physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer, the creator of the atomic bomb. When asked if he is okay with the double-header release by IGN, the actor answered in the affirmative.

'I think it's great. I mean, I'll be going to see Barbie. I can't wait to see it,' Murphy said.

Although the two movies are produced by competing studios, Warner Bros. and Universal Pictures, the creators and cast seem perfectly fine with the simultaneous release, arguing that it won't hinder their box-office performance. On the contrary, it will give the audience an opportunity to experience a variety of theatrical products all at once, and that's something we have been missing in recent years.

'I think you've got to see what the experience is, Barbie then Oppenheimer, Oppenheimer then Barbie. I think you've got to take all of the journeys,' director Greta Gerwig gushed to The Hollywood Reporter.

Like the Barbie director, Murphy believes the double feature benefits the industry as a whole because, in addition to cross-promotion, it's a fresh take on the typical theatrical lineup. And besides, it's just exciting for the average moviegoer to see two blockbusters premiere on the same day.

'I think it's just great for the industry and for audiences that we have two amazing films by amazing filmmakers coming out the same day. Could spend a whole day in the cinema, what's better than that?' the Oppenheimer star concluded.

We certainly can't wait for the two films to hit US theaters on July 21, 2023.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter, IGN.