Why Do People Hate Cruel Summer Season 2 So Much?

When a new show’s first season sets the bar too high, the only way after that is downhill.
Debuting in 2021, Season 1 of Cruel Summer wasn't exactly a hit. However, it managed to get the audience invested in the mystery at the story's core. As a result, the show quickly gained a loyal following, which secured it a second season. It was immediately announced that Cruel Summer Season 2 would not just pick up where the first season left off, but instead feature a different story with a different set of characters.
As planned, premiering on 5 June, the second season presented a completely new story. The problem is the show's fans aren't liking what they're seeing so far. Here are just a few reasons why that is probably the case.
Poor Acting
Many loyal Cruel Summer viewers have noted that they preferred the original cast. The actors, such as Olivia Holt and Froy Gutierrez, convincingly portrayed their characters. Unfortunately, the cast of Season 2 falls short in this regard.
Mediocre Plot
Perhaps it's not the new actors' fault that their characters come across as mediocre at best – poor writing may well be the root of the problem. The current story isn't as intriguing and captivating as the first season: it feels more like just another teen drama.
Dragged Out Pacing
Additionally, this season's timeline is frustratingly complicated. Following the story across three different yet intertwined time periods is exhausting.
On the other hand, it seems that nothing significant happens in these parallel timelines until the very last moments, which many viewers don't have the patience to wait for.
Unlikable Characters
Additionally, this season's timeline is frustratingly complicated. Following the story across three different yet intertwined time periods is exhausting. On the other hand, it seems that nothing significant happens in these parallel timelines until the very last moments, which many viewers don't have the patience to wait for.
Nostalgia for Season 1
The biggest obstacle preventing viewers from enjoying this season is nostalgia for the original story. The latter seemed to be a perfect narrative. With this high standard in mind, fans can't help but dismiss Cruel Summer Season 2 as being a poor imitation of the first season.
If, despite all its flaws, you're still willing to give Cruel Summer Season 2 a chance, you can see the next episode on 26 June.