What Sam Heughan's Really Like Behind the Scenes of Outlander

Everybody loves Sam!
As Outlander fans, we all love Jamie Fraser. From the very beginning of the Starz series, the brave highlander has won our hearts with his stoicism, charisma and, of course, his chemistry with Claire, which is a huge draw for the show.
But we love Jamie's actor, Sam Heughan, no less. In all sorts of interviews, he has shown himself to be charming, sweet and yet quite humble. Let's take a look at how the cast themselves really feel about Sam Heughan.
Caitríona Balfe on Sam Heughan
Caitríona and Sam are good friends, so it's no surprise that the Irish actress speaks warmly of him. As part of a panel at the ATX Television Festival 2023, Balfe shared that Sam always gets the cast and crew buzzing, and he is the one who always makes her laugh, even when they are filming serious scenes.
'Sam Heughan knows how to set me off and yet he can keep the straightest face,' she said. 'He'll do something and then he'll be like [smirks] and then I crumble and then he's like, "Oh my god, this thing."'
Maril Davis on the atmosphere on the set
At the same panel, executive producer Maril Davis revealed that the cast and crew have become a tight-knit family over the nine years of the show, thanks in large part to Sam.
'I think that's sometimes overused but I truly do feel that way with our crew and our cast coming in and I think all the cast always says, "Oh my god, so much fun on the show and you know, it's a good group of people."'
High praise from Steven Cree
Over the course of Outlander's run, Sam Heughan has regularly received very undeserved backlash, bullying and harassment, which escalated at the height of the 2020 pandemic because he chose to stay in Hawaii. Following Sam's statement on Twitter, Ian Murray's co-star Steven Cree spoke out in his defense.
'Very sad that it's got to a point where a guy like Sam, truly one of the nicest & most positive people I know, feels he has to post this,' he shared. 'Since Outlander became a worldwide phenomenon, he's always led the line in exemplary fashion; not to mention his incredible charity work too.'
Graham McTavish about his fatherly relationship with Sam
Sam's radiant personality behind the scenes also led to a close friendship with another Scot, Dougal McKenzie's actor.
'He's kind of like my unruly teenage son and I’m his grumpy dad, in a weird, weird way. I mean, technically I could just about be his dad,' Graham McTavish shared.
Source: Daily Express, EW, Daily Record.