Was Queen Charlotte Writing Even Better Than Bridgerton's Season 1 & 2?

Was Queen Charlotte Writing Even Better Than Bridgerton's Season 1 & 2?
Image credit: Netflix

The Queen Charlotte spinoff series was born from Bridgerton, but it seems to have stolen the spotlight completely.

Fans have praised the Queen Charlotte series over and over, naming it the best season of Bridgerton so far, even though it was a spin-off, and whilst fans have varying different reasons for why it sits at the top of their lists, there seems to be one common factor behind everything:

The writing behind Queen Charlotte.

Bridgerton Seasons 1 and 2, adapted from Julia Quinn's novels, were massive hits on their own, and producers were positive that Queen Charlotte would be well received, but what they didn't expect were the comments about how much better it was written than its parent show.

The prequel took a different approach from Bridgerton, fans knew from the beginning that there was going to be more seriousness involved in the story, but many commented on how much they enjoyed the more somber element within the passion and romance.

One Redditor felt that the spin-off,'Just has so much more depth than Bridgerton. Hoping they carry some over to season 3.' A second user said, 'Idk about everyone else, but the writing was less cringey than S1 and S2.'

The writing also changed the way the characters were perceived, another user loved how the characters felt 'like real people with flaws and depth and aren't perfect.'

So, what was different about the writing of Queen Charlotte?

A popular belief was that Netflix had put more resources into the spinoff, which had resulted in what many described as a 'complete turnover' from Bridgerton Season 2, and didn't feel forced or awkward.

'I think a big difference in what made this series so amazing is the fact that [Shonda] wrote it. I mean, just compare the series to S1 or S2 of Bridgerton. There's no comparison,' according to another Reddit user.

Whilst the Bridgerton novels were written by Julia Quinn, with Shonda Rhimes responsible for the production, Shonda took on a writing role in the Queen Charlotte spinoff, and with huge successes like Grey's Anatomy and Scandal behind her name, it's clear that Shonda has experience and immeasurable talent.

Was Shonda's involvement in writing the story the reason fans felt it was so different, or was there something else about the Queen Charlotte series that set it apart? We can't quite be sure.

One thing is for certain, fans' expectations are incredibly high for Bridgerton Season 3, and we hope they're not disappointed.

Source: Reddit, Reddit.