Was Queen Charlotte a Real Person and Who is She Based on in Bridgerton?

Was Queen Charlotte a Real Person and Who is She Based on in Bridgerton?
Image credit: Netflix

Is Bridgerton's Queen Charlotte, the witty, glamorous, gossip-loving dame we know and love, more than fiction?

The answer is yes.

The Queen Charlotte spinoff starts by saying that it is 'fiction inspired by fact' but there is truth behind many elements of her character. Did you know that both queens shared a love for Pomeranian dogs and gossip? Or that Queen Charlotte was once called 'Snuffy Charlotte' due to her tobacco addiction?

The real queen

Queen Charlotte's character is based on the very real Sophia Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, who was born into German royalty in 1744. She married King George in 1761 and was the Queen consort of Great Britain and Ireland from that year to 1818.


The real-life Queen Charlotte and King George III were married within just six hours of meeting each other, the only difference was, that whilst Bridgerton's queen was trying to climb a fence and escape, the real Queen Charlotte was calm and accepting of the situation, even though she initially did not speak a word of English.

In both stories, their marriages turned into real, genuine love. Historic letters revealed the real king and queen's deep affection for one another.


Letters from Queen Charlotte to her unwell husband also showed her love for gossip and drama, as she regularly detailed the latest scandalous events. Similarly, Bridgerton's Queen Charlotte loves to be in the loop and sharing gossip with Lady Danbury

Kids and dogs

The real Queen Charlotte had 15 children in just 21 years, with 2 dying before adulthood, and Bridgertons Queen Charlotte matches that number.

In Bridgerton, we see the Queen often with her beloved Pomeranian lapdogs. This love for furry companions was actually taken from the real-life Queen Charlotte's passion for the breed. She even brought her own dogs from Germany to be with her in England.


Bridgerton's portrayal of people of color in positions of power has re-invented the way period pieces are seen, bringing up the controversial debate about whether or not Queen Charlotte might have been black.

One particular historian claims that she descended from a Black branch of the Portuguese Royal Family, it has also been pointed out that she appears in her portraits with curlier than usual hair and darker skin, as well as a comment once made about her nose being too broad and lips too thick. However, this theory is denied by many others.

Bridgerton author Julia Quinn commented that the question may never be fully answered, but said she wondered what society would have looked like if Queen Charlotte was indeed a black woman, in a position to uplift other people of color.

It's exciting to know that elements of a real person are being brought to life through the gossip-loving, lapdog-carrying queen we see on Bridgerton. It's left us all more excited than before to see more of Queen Charlotte in the upcoming Season 3.