Viral Cat Meme Summarizes Bridgerton's Kanthony in a Frankly Genius Way

Viral Cat Meme Summarizes Bridgerton's Kanthony in a Frankly Genius Way
Image credit: Netflix

If you use social media, chances are you've come across the now-infamous meme with a woman yelling at a dining cat.

But did you know that this hilarious meme perfectly summarizes one of the most complex and beloved couples of the hit Netflix series Bridgerton? That's right - we're talking about none other than Kate and Anthony Bridgerton, aka Kanthony.

Bridgerton Season 2 Recap in Screaming Lady, Dining Cat Meme
by u/FruitBackground in BridgertonNetflix

The pair's journey is nothing short of incredible, and it undoubtedly deserves its own compilation of funny memes, which one talented fan has put together, and frankly, it's genius.

Season 2 Episode 1, "Capital R Rake"

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Kate overhears Anthony’s conversation with other men, where he states he's not looking for love but a wife that meets his requirements and that it should be easy for him to woo any potential candidate.

When they run into each other, she challenges Anthony by questioning him about whether he really thinks women are so easily convinced to accept his suit thanks to a mere pleasant smile, while lacking in other aspects. And the only thing Anthony heard out of the whole thing was the part where she mentions his smile.

Season 2 Episode 2, "Off to the Races"

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Anthony vents to his brothers, Colin and Benedict, regarding Kate, complaining about how she thinks she knows best in every situation. The brothers, however, find it amusing as they point out that he's basically describing himself.

Season 2 Episode 3, “A Bee in Your Bonnet”

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While in the midst of a heated discussion between Kate and Anthony, a bee stings Kate. This triggers memories of Anthony's father's tragic passing, leading him to experience a panic attack and leaving Kate confused.

Season 2 Episode 4, "Victory"

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Secluded in a private room, the two confront their complicated feelings for one another, almost sharing a kiss until their intimate moment is interrupted by Daphne's sudden entrance. Anthony ends up having an intense talk with Daphne, where she tells him that it's clear he has feelings for Kate, to which he responds that Kate is aggravating, which, of course, makes no sense.

Season 2 Episode 5, "An Unthinkable Fate"

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Edwina comments on how Kate and Mr. Dorset would make a nice pairing, to which Anthony responds that the two barely know each other. Edwina then says that love moves swiftly, which is ironic considering the situation, leaving Anthony too stunned to speak.

Season 2 Episode 6, "The Choice"

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After Edwina notices the spark between Kanthony and pauses the wedding, Anthony remains committed to the marriage, assuring Edwina that even her lack of dowry and the Sheffields' insults haven't influenced his decision. Edwina asks him if this is because he loves her, but Anthony evades the question, stating that he understands her.

Season 2 Episode 7, "Harmony"

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Lady Danbury and Lady Bridgerton are thinking of hosting a ball to save face with the ton, and during the discussion, Edwina points out that the Viscount and her sister have been good at hiding their feelings from everyone. 3

But when she witnesses Anthony and Kate sharing a moment, she's shocked that she didn't notice how obvious this was before.

Season 2 Episode 8, "The Viscount Who Loved Me"

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The Viscount was going to ask Kate to marry him, which she thought was out of sheer obligation, not love. However, it was clear to her mother and the rest of the world that it couldn't be further from the truth.