Ty Burrell's Improv Gave Life to Modern Family's Best Running Joke

Ty Burrell's Improv Gave Life to Modern Family's Best Running Joke
Image credit: ABC

Dad jokes are at the center of the universe, and Ty Burrell's ad-lib is a great example of how they never get old.

Modern Family may not have enjoyed the same success as Friends or The Office, but it certainly developed a loyal fan base.

The show received lots of praise from viewers for its relatable portrayal of a modern family, as well as its great humor and compelling characters.

And of all the Modern Family characters, Ty Burrell's Phil Dunphy is most remembered by fans, while one of his lines from the show has truly become iconic.

Playing the role of the Dunphy family patriarch, Ty Burrell delighted the audience with his constant joking, the way he made his children (and viewers) feel awkward, and the many ridiculous situations his character found himself in. As a result, Burrel became the ultimate dad figure on TV, and it's unlikely that anyone has yet surpassed him in this regard.

What's more, there was a single phrase accidentally uttered by the actor, which became the most memorable running gag in the show's history.

'Gotta fix that step!' — that was the line that Burrell's character used regularly until the show's final 11th season. Dunphy was always about to fix something around the house but never got around to it.

The catchphrase originated in the first season, where Phil muttered the line to himself as he stumbled down the stairs.

According to IMDB, the actor actually stumbled and improvised in the scene, coming up with an exclamation that stuck with the crew and the audience for a long time. The accidental line became a recurring joke that happened to perfectly reflect the dorkiness of many fathers, making Burrell's character all the more relatable.

Ty Burrell's Improv Gave Life to Modern Family's Best Running Joke - image 1

Later in the show, that broken step bothered Phil so much that he seemed obsessed with it. He mentioned it regularly in conversations with his wife Claire, and after a kiss with Gloria, Claire's stepmother, Phil also used it as an excuse to escape — he got to fix the step!

Despite the numerous memorable moments Ty Burrell's character has given us throughout the show, the executive producers were initially reluctant to cast the actor, deeming him not funny enough for the sitcom. But in the end, ABC agreed to cast him, and that was definitely the right decision.

Although we never got to know if Phil repaired that step, his hilarious dad line will forever remain in our hearts.