Top 5 Episodes Outlander Fans Can't Bear to Watch Again

Top 5 Episodes Outlander Fans Can't Bear to Watch Again
Image credit: STARZ

Fans have been through a lot in the six seasons of Outlander that have aired, but there are some episodes that they cannot bear to watch again.

These episodes were too brutal, too sad, or too disturbing to ever be revisited, and we found the 5 Worst:

'To Ransom a Man's Soul' Season 1, Episode 16

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Outlander features multiple sexually violent scenes, but one of the most shocking was Jamie's, firstly because it's rare to see a man go through this, and secondly, because of the way it psychologically destroys him, and fans watch him weep and his spirit break as he endures the unthinkable on screen.

'Faith' Season 2, Episode 7

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'I don't know if a TV episode made me cry harder than Claire holding the dead Faith for so many hours,' says Reddior RedRapunzel.

Claire's pregnancy was made exceptionally difficult by the physical and emotional stress she went through daily, but it was traveling to Jamie's duel with Black Jack Randall that ultimately pushed her body beyond what she could take, and she went into premature labor.

She gave birth to baby Faith, who was tragically stillborn. The episode is powerful and emotional, but definitely can't be watched again.

'Surrender' Season 3, Episode 2

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After Claire's return to the future, Jamie is forced to go into hiding as a fugitive and spends several years tucked away in a cave. His isolation eventually drives him, as a shadow of his former self, to sleep with Mary.

Viewers just found this episode so sad, with fans like Isthiscleverr seeing that, 'he so does not want to be with anyone else but he's so desperately alone and needing some measure of connection, even feeble, to keep going.' Beanie2 adds that 'He wants to be faithful to Claire, he's closing his eyes so he can imagine her. So extremely sad.'

'The Ballad of Roger Mac,' Season 5, Episode 7

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'After all the horrors I've witnessed in Outlander, the one that bothered me the most was surprisingly Roger getting beaten to a pulp and sold into slavery over a misunderstanding,' says Mierin87

This episode was shocking and emotionally draining. First, Murtagh was killed saving Jamie in a battle, and then later in the same episode, Roger was mistaken for a rebel, beaten, and turned over to the Red Coats. The episode ends with him being hanged, and it is truly distressing as fans think his fate is sealed.

'Never My Love' Season 5, Episode 12

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The Season 5 finale was horrifying and brutal, following Claire's abduction, and physical and sexual assault by Lionel Brown and his band of outlaws.

Watching the horror Claire endures is extremely difficult, and the filming of the episode portrays a sense of stress and panic, but what makes it worse is watching her disassociate and escape to an imaginary world where she is safe, but knowing what is happening in reality.