Throughout TBBT's 12 Seasons, This Was the Most Satisfying Character Arc to Follow

This friendship is absolutely heartwarming.
- TBBT has a lot of awkward relationships.
- One character duo really helped each other become better versions of themselves.
- Many fans believe the two characters are each other's family substitutes.
Since The Big Bang Theory revolves around a group of socially awkward scientists, the show may not be the best guide to human relationships. For most of the sitcom's twelve-season run, Raj can't say a word in front of a woman, Howard's every interaction with the opposite sex is a cringe, and Sheldon doesn't understand the basics of human relationships.
Only Leonard, raised by a clinical psychiatrist and an anthropologist, is pretty decent with other people. As a result, his every relationship is interesting to follow, even if he usually fails. Still, it's not Dr. Leonard Hofstadter who has the most fascinating character arc on the show.
A Beneficial Friendship
Although 'friends with benefits' would best describe Penny and Leonard's arrangement for most of TBBT's run, it's her complicated friendship with Dr. Sheldon Cooper that turns out to be the most satisfying relationship on the show. Since both Sheldon and Penny are from the original trio of characters, they have come a long way on The Big Bang Theory, and their relationship has evolved accordingly.
From hating and belittling each other to being the most admired friends on TBBT, Penny and Sheldon have come to accept their differences and appreciate their strengths. For example, in the episode The Line Substitution Solution, the duo teach each other through a game of trivia – Sheldon quizzes Penny on science, and she helps him brush up on his pop culture knowledge. The scene is hilarious and heartwarming, proving that everyone can be friends against all odds.
Ultimately, Penny and Sheldon have become family to each other. So it's not surprising that many people think of their relationship as more sibling-like.
'I always felt that Penny essentially was what Sheldon could've had with his sister if things had turned out differently between the two of them, and he hadn't become so estranged from his siblings with going off to Germany and then California for Caltech not long after their father's death,' one Redditor observed.
However, some people tend to see Penny as an incarnation of Sheldon's Meemaw, since both women are blunt and tough. And it's that familiar vibe that draws Dr. Cooper to his best friend's girlfriend.
'She was an analog for his Meemaw. The way Penny and Sheldon interact is very similar to his relationship with his Meemaw in Young Sheldon. She's most likely to bluntly correct him while still accepting who he is because she cares deeply about him despite not necessarily understanding the specifics of his passions,' another Reddit user wrote.
Anyway, Penny and Sheldon really brought out the best in each other which is why their friendship is the most wholesome relationship on TBBT.
Source: Reddit.