
This Superhero Movie is Even Worse Than Green Lantern, According to Ryan Reynolds

This Superhero Movie is Even Worse Than Green Lantern, According to Ryan Reynolds
Image credit: Legion-Media

Ryan Reynolds has starred in quite a few superhero movies, eventually achieving worldwide fame for portraying the titular character in Deadpool, but his earlier roles in films of this genre were much less successful.

For starters, he played Hal Jordan in Green Lantern, and that's a movie that was a total critical and commercial failure, with its box office earnings barely above the production budget of $200 million.

However, Ryan Reynolds himself doesn't see Green Lantern as his worst superhero movie. This is perhaps due to the actor's warm memories of the production — the actor says he and the other cast members had lots of fun filming the movie.

But Green Lantern suffered from the "too much time, too much money" problem, resulting in too much visual spectacle and too little character development. And yet, Ryan's list of his worst superhero movies is topped by another film — and that is X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

Without a doubt, X-Men Origins: Wolverine is not great, but it's not terrible either. The movie performed passably at the box office, and the audience and critics seem to largely agree on that, according to the Rotten Tomatoes rating of 58% and 38%, respectively.

But it seems that Ryan Reynolds wouldn't give Wolverine even a mediocre score, and he might have personal reasons for that. The problem is, Reynolds' character in the movie — Wade Wilson, aka Weapon XI, or Deadpool — was turned into a mere killing machine, serving as sort of a boss monster for Wolverine to fight in the finale.

This Superhero Movie is Even Worse Than Green Lantern, According to Ryan Reynolds - image 1

By combining powers of several other mutants, the character was impressively dangerous — but he had no lines at all! And given that, in the comic books, Deadpool is well-known for his banter (he's even nicknamed 'Merc with a Mouth'), that was clearly a misuse of the character, and that may have been the reason why the actor has slammed the movie, calling it 'absolute trash fire.'

At the same time, Reynolds praises Hugh Jackman's work on the film as well as his attitude to other cast and crew members — he says the Wolverine actor treated everyone, from the head of the studio to caterers, the same amicable way — and that's certainly admirable.

So it's truly fortunate that Reynolds eventually had the chance to play a more comic-accurate version of his character in the Deadpool movies, and X-Men Origins got exactly what it deserved — average ratings and reviews and only limited praise from the fans.