These 5 Vampire Diaries Episodes Have Fans Hitting the Fast Forward Button

From the moment the hit supernatural drama The Vampire Diaries hit the screens in 2009, fans have been hooked on the story of Elena and the dashing Salvatore brothers, and the supernatural town they inhabit.
But let's be honest, even the most die-hard fans can admit that not every scene is a winner - and there are five episodes in particular that make viewers reach for the fast-forward button.
5. 'Bring It On' (Season 4 Episode 16)
Elena has switched off her humanity and becomes dangerous to others around her. While Damon and Rebekah collaborate in their quest for the cure, Klaus attempts to use Hayley to obtain the information he needs.
Although the episode offers a welcome break from Elena's usual heroic role, watching her make reckless and unwise decisions that jeopardize everyone is disappointing to many fans nevertheless. What's more, the subplot involving Klaus and Hayley, which sets the stage for The Originals, distracts from the main story and may bore viewers who prefer the usual TVD content.
4. 'What Lies Beneath' (Season 5 Episode 20)
Markos' plot places Stefan and Elena in danger, so they take refuge in an isolated cabin that belongs to Caroline's father, and Caroline suspects the two are hiding something. Meanwhile, Matt and Jeremy look for Markos and learn that Tyler's body will be made permanent if they don't retrieve Julian's body. However, other travelers overtake them, and the final moments conclude with Elena and Stefan being captured.
Overall, this episode made many fans unsure of the show's direction, leaving them feeling like it was too far off the mark. Some viewers questioned the relevance of Markos and the travelers, finding their storyline uninteresting, while others pointed out that Delena's story had also become incredibly dull.
3. 'Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me' (Season 7 Episode 8)
During a party celebrating Nora and Mary Louise's anniversary, Stefan and Damon plan to take down Julian. At the same time, Caroline confronts her new reality following the discovery of her pregnancy, which could potentially change things for her and Stefan.
Fans were left feeling underwhelmed by this episode, as it seemed to be weighed down by an excessive number of plotlines. The engagement party, in particular, appeared to serve no real purpose, and viewers also pointed out that Caroline and Stefan's baby drama was very out of place. And to top it all off, the majority of the episode was devoted to newer characters many fans weren't even invested in.
2. 'Days of Future Past' (Season 7 Episode 16)
Damon attempts to reconcile with Stefan by proposing to take on his scar. However, little did he know, this move might lead to some unforeseen consequences. On the other hand, Enzo is on a mission to clear his name after being falsely accused of freeing Rayna.
Now, this particular episode didn't live up to viewers' expectations because it was simply confusing. We, as many other people, found it difficult to follow the constant use of flashbacks and flashforwards, and the storytelling could've benefited from a more focused approach.
1. 'Coming Home Was a Mistake' (Season 8 Episode 5)
Damon's reckless behavior has pushed him down a road of self-destruction. Stefan, unwilling to give up on his brother, faces a difficult choice that could potentially alter their relationship permanently. Meanwhile, Bonnie seeks Caroline's counsel on how to connect with Enzo, and Matt brings Tyler's body to town and informs everyone of his death.
This episode is widely considered a 'filler' episode, and it's hardly surprising, as there are no compelling developments.
All it does is leave the show's fans unconvinced about Bonnie and Enzo's relationship as well as Enzo's humanity being returned so easily, given his supposed tolerance to torture. The events were also poorly timed, with Tyler's funeral being followed by a carnival a bit too soon.