These 5 Outrageous Moments Would Get Friends Canceled in 2023

The hit TV show's actors definitely aged better than some of its storylines.
Get ready for a deep dive into some classic pop culture, as we look at some of the most shocking moments from the classic hit sitcom, Friends. It was, and still is, one of the most loved TV shows of all time, but as viewers in 2023, it's hard to watch without seeing some glaringly obvious misfires that by today's standards don't come across as inoffensive and inclusive as it should be.
The legendary NBC sitcom ran for ten seasons from 1994 to 2004, following the hilarious antics of six good friends living in Manhattan. Almost two decades have passed since the curtain fell, and while the show still pulls in new fans, some eagle-eyed viewers, old and new, can easily pick out the extremely dated plotlines and opinions.
So let's dive right in with 5 cringe-worthy moments from Friends that range from unfunny to downright offensive:
Carol and the cringe
Remember Ross' ex-wife Carol? The show constantly got a ton of laughs out of her relationship with partner Susan and the fact that Ross had been wed to a lesbian. It's obvious those homophobic jibes would get no laughs now in 2023.
Chandler's trans-bashing
Then there's Chandler's uneasiness with his male-parent transitioning to live authentically as a woman. The 90s might have found humor in this, but today it's a big no-no. Chandler's open disdain for his parent's style and even his reluctance to invite her to his wedding is very much not acceptable in today's views.
The 'Fat Monica' fiasco
Who could forget the fat-shaming that comprised Monica's entire backstory. Using her past weight issues for a quick laugh might have been a sitcom staple then, but today it's just offensive and really should have been handled differently.
The 'male nanny' scandal
Friends didn't stop at being homophobic, transphobic, and fat-phobic. They went on step further with blatant sexism in the episode aptly titled 'The One with the Male Nanny.' Ross' inability to accept a man in a nurturing role was not just problematic, but extremely offensive - especially when Ross probed the character about his sexual orientation.
Ross vs Ben and his Barbie
Ross' fragile masculinity took center stage on many other occasions. It was particularly clear that time when he got all bent out of shape over his son, Ben, playing with a Barbie doll. He insists Ben play with more 'boy appropriate' toys like GI Joe and in today's barbie-loving culture heavy on gender equality this seems petty and laughable now.
So there you have it, we may still love Friends for the good memories and easy laughs, but it's safe to say that some of its storylines would be struck out of the scripts in the more inclusive world of 2023.