These 5 Outlander Episodes Are So Bad, Fans Pretend They Don't Exist

These 5 Outlander Episodes Are So Bad, Fans Pretend They Don't Exist
Image credit: Legion-Media, STARZ

Outlander is a highly popular series, but like any series, it has highs and lows.

And its lows can be really low. Some episodes are so poorly done that fans would prefer to forget them entirely. These episodes aren't necessarily overly dramatic, stressful, or shocking, but they simply fail to hit the mark.

Let's explore some examples in chronological order:

The Search (S1, E14)

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This episode's primary sin is its sheer boredom. To give you an idea, it begins with Claire learning that Jamie has been taken prisoner by the British and ends with her learning the exact same thing. If there ever was a time-wasting episode where the plot and characters wandered in circles, this is it.

The Fox's Lair (S2, E8)

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Almost the entire episode consists of the show's additions to the plot of the books. Unfortunately, these additions were not particularly good. From Jamie almost signing away Lallybroch to Laoghaire begging for forgiveness, the characters seemed off—out of character, if you will—throughout most of the episode.

Eye of The Storm (S3, E13)

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Outlander has always been more 'realistic' in the 'violence and rape' sense than in the 'this story can work without too much plot armour' sense. However, the Season 3 finale was incredibly fantastic and unbelievable, featuring the most contrived coincidence in the entire series.

Do No Harm (S4, E2)

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This episode, in which our couple arrives at Aunt Jocasta's plantation, showcased the aspects of Outlander that many viewers disliked. From darkness for the sake of darkness to Claire getting away with dumb, risky actions and, as you may notice, introducing changes to the books' narrative that only made the story worse.

Mercy Shall Follow Me (S5, E10)

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In a show like Outlander, you generally expect an episode in which a villain kidnaps the main characters' daughter to be terrifying and possibly full of horrors. While this episode does indeed have elements of that, it is more memorable for its nonsensical plot twists and cringy scenes, like the one where Bree recites Moby Dick from memory to keep her kidnapper entertained.