The Witcher Season 3 Ratings Just Proved Its Haters Were Wrong All Along

The Witcher Season 3 Ratings Just Proved Its Haters Were Wrong All Along
Image credit: Netflix

Despite facing criticism from fans of Andrzej Sapkowski's original Witcher books, the recently revealed ratings for the first part of The Witcher Season 3 demonstrates the show's enduring popularity.

And while die-hard Witcher followers may have reservations about the series' creative decisions, it's evident that the show wasn't solely created just for them.

Why some Witcher fans hate the series

It's no challenge to find hate online regarding The Witcher series. For instance, one Redditor's rather blunt review described the latest season as a "travesty," stating, "I'm not sure I'll even be able to finish season 3. They could have made something incredible but decided to take a massive piss all over the source material."

Such opinions of the show between devoted fans of the original books and Witcher games are not uncommon. Witcher threads are plagued with dissatisfaction over how certain characters have been portrayed in the show. Moreover, they argue that the show's timeline and format are confusing, especially regarding characters who are supposed to be younger in the narrative and are depicted as older or, in some instances, killed off prematurely.

Perhaps the most significant grievance is the omission of core elements from the source material to accommodate other, potentially more screen-friendly storylines.

The Witcher is one of Netflix's most-watched shows all the same

Despite the controversy among Sapkowski's fans, Season 3 of The Witcher has maintained its position as Netflix's most-watched series since its release, attracting over 13.8 million subscribers within the first two weeks.

Additionally, both Seasons 1 and 2 have also reclaimed spots in the top 10 most-viewed English TV series. However, if the streaming giant's credentials still aren't enough to prove the show's popularity to you, then it's worth noting that The Witcher currently holds the top spot on IMDb's 'Most Popular TV Shows' list as well. Which is even more impressive considering it ranks series from several of the most popular streaming services. Clearly, the series' popularity is beyond dispute.

The Witcher was not made for the fans

Based on the Witcher's undeniable success, it is apparent that the Netflix show was adapted for a more generic audience, which may not necessarily include die-hard fans of the books or games.

While some fans may dislike the deviations from Sapkowski's vision, the series deserves recognition for at least introducing the world of The Witcher to an entirely new audience. In doing so, the show has generated new fans who may now be inspired to discover the books or games for themselves as well.

While The Witcher series has faced its fair share of criticism, its impressive ratings for the latest season confirm that the show still maintains a strong following. And regardless of the reservations expressed by some, the show continues to captivate its considerable number of viewers, successfully carving a space for itself in the realm of fantasy television and showing no signs of slowing down either.

Sources: Reddit, Reddit, Netflix, IMDb.