The Rookie Fans Blast Bailey's Lackluster Chemistry with John

The Rookie Fans Blast Bailey's Lackluster Chemistry with John
Image credit: ABC

People are starting to get tired of Bailey Nune and John Nolan's relationship.

The ABC crime drama about LAPD's oldest recruit introduced the world to John Nolan, a 40-year-old guy who one day decides to join the police force to overcome his midlife crisis.

Played by Nathan Fillion, Nolan instantly became a beloved character whose unique story was fascinating to follow. But there's one thing that seems to have greatly disappointed fans of the series in recent years — Nolan's stale and poorly scripted relationship with his fiancée Bailey.

Bailey was first introduced in season three, and this strong-willed firefighter showed great potential in the eyes of fans.

But no one expected Nolan and Bailey to develop a romantic relationship, as this move was seen as forced and superficial from the very start.

While many fans love Bailey as a character, they simply don't care for her as Nolan's romantic interest — and here's why.

Firstly, Fillion and actress Jenna Dewan have no chemistry, and most of their scenes together feel awkward and unnatural.

The Rookie Fans Blast Bailey's Lackluster Chemistry with John - image 1

Viewers have seen many other actresses on the show share amazing chemistry with Fillion, so the writers' decision to make Dewan his significant other seems strange to many. Fans agree that all the problems in Nolan and Bailey's relationship are only the fault of the writers, as there's nothing the actors can do about their non-existent chemistry.

Secondly, many viewers don't like the scriptwriters' approach to Bailey: they constantly try to make her look like a superwoman rather than a vulnerable human being like Nolan himself.

Over the course of the series, Bailey is repeatedly beating her own death, convincing fans that her life was never in real danger — and why worry about the character who is always protected by plot armor?

People can't help but wonder why Bailey is even in the picture if both her romantic and professional storylines are devoid of good qualities. The writers need to fix this mess as soon as possible because fans' patience is running out — and perhaps the best solution is to put an end to this romantic story altogether, as it's clearly not adding to the series' success.