
The Real Reason Billie Lourd Didn't Invite Carrie Fisher's Siblings to Walk of Fame Ceremony

The Real Reason Billie Lourd Didn't Invite Carrie Fisher's Siblings to Walk of Fame Ceremony
Image credit: Legion-Media

Fisher's fans wouldn't want to invite them either.

Carrie Fisher's Hollywood Walk of Fame Ceremony got marred by a scandalous circumstance that immediately attracted fans' attention, as Carrie's daughter Billie Lourd refused to invite any of Carrie's siblings to the event. Following the ceremony, Todd, Joely, and Tricia Leigh Fisher expressed their shock and dismay about getting left out in their interviews and on social media pages.

But it looks like the Fisher siblings should have kept their mouths shut, as Billie Lourd quickly released a statement to address their accusations. In short, the star's daughter blasted her aunts and uncle for monetizing the family tragedy. Here's what she said:

'Days after my mom died, her brother and her sister chose to process their grief publicly and capitalize on my mother's death by doing multiple interviews and selling individual books for a lot of money, with my mom and my grandmother's deaths as the subject.'

To clarify the last phrase, the family was struck by a double tragedy, as Lourd's grandmother, actress Debbie Reynolds, passed away just one day after Carrie Fisher, in December 2016.

Lourd noted that she had no idea about her relatives' actions and only learned about what the Fishers were doing from the press. She further explained that her mother had a 'very complicated' relationship with her siblings, even though they did not let these family issues surface and become known to the public. Billy concluded by saying that it was her conscious decision to cut ties with Todd, Joely, and Tricia Leigh, and she has no intention of repairing these broken relationships.

After learning more about this conflict, fans are overwhelmingly sided with Billie, and the most popular comment on a Reddit thread dedicated to the issue is, 'We should definitely normalise cutting out toxic family members.' This is exactly what Carrie's daughter has done, and people seem to support her unequivocally.

Some commenters also noted that the bad blood between Billie and the Fishers might have been caused by an even more shameless action on the siblings' part — trying to prevent Billie from getting Carrie's part of Debbie Reynold's inheritance.

Apparently, the Fishers were trying to prove that, since Carrie had died before Debbie, her share should be divided between the remaining siblings (never mind that Debbie could not adjust her will as she was already on her deathbed).

'The Fisher siblings are f***ing vultures,' another comment on Reddit reads, and that seems to be a pretty good characterization for the trio.

Other fans pointed out that Carrie Fisher would be proud of Billie and her courage to confront the greedy siblings and put them to shame.

Source: Variety, Reddit.