The Most Satisfying Character Development on Young Sheldon – This Cooper Has Grown The Most, Fans Say

It just goes to show why she's a fan favorite on the series.
- Season 7 offers a lot of character development.
- One character has shown the most emotional maturity after the disaster of the Season 6 finale.
- Young Sheldon fans wish the Coopers didn't take this character's care for granted.
With Young Sheldon back on the air for its seventh and final season, fans of CBS' flagship sitcom are ecstatic. Although some of the episodes have been less than eventful, the seventh installment of YS has proven popular with audiences as it continues to tell the story of the Cooper family following the devastating tornado that destroyed Meemaw's home in the Season 6 finale. But there's a bigger reason for Season 7's popularity.
Young Sheldon's seventh episode continues to explore the complicated relationships of its many characters. George and Mary's marriage seems to have been revived. Meemaw and Dale's romance has been spiced up. And Georgie and Mandy's love story has gotten steamier (pun intended for anyone who saw episode 3). But it's probably Missy's character arc that's the most satisfying to watch.
Stunningly Mature
Unlike Sheldon, Missy does not have an impressively accurate memory or scientific prowess, even though they are twins. But Shelly's sister does have a gift of her own – emotional intelligence. Sure, Missy has been annoying on many occasions over the past few seasons, now that she's a teenager, but she continues to amaze viewers with her maturity.
Season 7 may be the epitome of that, as Missy fills Mary's shoes while the Cooper mom accompanies Sheldon on his trip to Germany. After the tornado, the Cooper household is full of people, as George, Mandy and Cece have moved in and Meemaw has stayed for a while. As a result, there's a lot of mess, and Missy has taken it upon herself to clean it up. She keeps the house tidy, cooks for the family, and keeps them organized and functioning. And she's only fourteen years old!
Of Her Own Volition
Most importantly, Missy does all of this voluntarily. No one asked her to take care of the family. She does it because she feels she has to. And it's very mature of her.
'I like to think of Missy as a social genius. She's always shown a great level of attention to details when it comes to social interactions. So seeing the situation with Meemaw, Georgie having a newborn and knowing how her dad behaves, it was the most logical thing for her to do,' one Redditor wrote.
On the other hand, it's sad that the rest of the Cooper family didn't reassure her that she didn't have to play mother to them, and instead enjoyed her care.
'It is great that she's learning how to look after herself and her family, but at her age she should be taught this with guidance from adults, not learning on her own,' another Reddit user observed.
Still, Missy seems to be doing well. Besides, Mary returns home in today's episode, so the girl will be spared the burden. Episode 4 is scheduled to premiere tonight, March 7.
Source: Reddit.