The Idol's Big Twist Was Jocelyn Destroying Tedros to Make Him Depend on Her

The Idol's Big Twist Was Jocelyn Destroying Tedros to Make Him Depend on Her
Image credit: HBO

And that's the set-up for Season 2.

The Idol's fifth and final episode was released on Sunday, 2 July. As more people tuned in to see it, more questions from confused first-time viewers popped up on social media. People wanted to know what it was they had just seen, what happened between Jocelyn and Tedros, and who the bad guy in the story was. Let's take a closer look at The Idol's final hour to find answers to these questions.

The finale's big twist is that Jocelyn turns out to be the opposite of the victim people were led to believe she was in the previous episodes. From the very first scene, Joss is shown as a skilled actress who can act out any emotion and mess with people's heads to get what she wants.

'Jocelyn is a born and bred performer – and I think that extends to every aspect of her life, not just her professional life,' Lily-Rose Depp said about her character in an interview with Pop Crave before the show premiered on HBO.

Jocelyn was always playing a role, and that fooled both Tedros and the viewers. The finale reveals it is Jocelyn who has been manipulating everyone around her, including Tedros, all along. Tedros is out to manipulate Joss but ends up being manipulated himself. The predator becomes the prey. Joss uses him, humiliates him by exposing who he really is to the world, takes everything away from him and kicks him out of her life.

Why does she take him back in the final moments of the finale, though?

As it turns out, before she met Tedros, she was stuck in a creative and emotional rut. When her mother died, she had no outlet for her pain. So when she met Tedros, he quickly became that outlet for her, helping her reach her full potential. It was a twisted and toxic relationship, but it worked for both of them.

Tedros is a manipulative cult leader, but he has a natural knack for spotting talent and good music. Joss now essentially owns him. He has nowhere else to go, so she can continue to use him to achieve even more creatively, only now she no longer has to hide who she really is from him.

The twist sets up Season 2. Now that Jocelyn has been exposed as the show's antagonist, she can unleash her psycho-diva self on the people around her without holding back. Tedros is now completely at her beck and call, and this new dynamic in their relationship can really be fun to watch.

HBO has so far been silent on whether or not The Idol will be renewed for Season 2.

Source: Pop Crave.