The Idol Episode 4 Left Fans Begging for Season 2, But Is It Possible?

Viewers seem to have made a U-turn in their opinion of the series.
Ever since Max, formerly known as HBO Max, released the first episode of The Idol on 4 June, the show has been mired in controversy. Many people have found its excessively sexualised narrative too shocking. Furthermore, the overall story fails to captivate viewers enough to keep them watching the series. So much so that viewership has been plummeting with each episode.
However, episode 4, the latest to air, did impress many viewers who hadn't given up on the series after its initial fiasco. Stars Belong to the World explored the dynamics between the main characters, Jocelyn and Tedros, and it finally revealed who had the upper hand in their toxic relationship. Episode 4 is the most intense so far. Naturally, it has reignited viewer interest in The Idol. Seeing how episode 5 will be the last one this season, many fans are now pleading for a second season.
Given the poor critical response the series has received and its dwindling audience, a continuation may seem highly unlikely. Indeed, The Idol's best performance was a mere 230,000 viewers for the first episode. The second and third episodes were watched by only half of that figure each. In many ways, The Idol is seen by many as a stain on HBO's impeccable reputation, seeing how it was previously known for such top-quality shows as Game of Thrones or Succession, both of which attracted millions of viewers worldwide. Meanwhile, The Idol seems to have only succeeded in driving viewers away.
Nonetheless, the network hasn't made a final decision about the future of The Idol. After the first two episodes dropped, there were rumours the series had been cancelled, but HBO's PR team immediately went on record on Twitter to say the show's future had not been 'determined' yet.
Although it's been almost half a month since the tweet, no further news has been released. In this light, The Idol season 2 may still happen if the network decides to pursue the story further in a bid to fill the small niche it's found the series seems to appeal to. So if you want to see a second season, don't lose hope yet!
Regardless, the fifth episode will conclude season 1 on 2 July.