The Big Bang Theory Finale Foreshadowing We Totally Overlooked Mid-Run

We may have learned how the show would end way back in Season 7.
- In Season 7, TBBT gave the audience a subtle hint of how the show would develop.
- Sheldon and Penny's visit to a psychic sealed his fate.
- The psychic turned out to be right about Sheldon and Amy's relationship.
When the final episode of CBS' hit sitcom The Big Bang Theory aired nearly five years ago, it was a bittersweet moment for millions of the show's fans around the world. During its impressive twelve-season run, TBBT had become one of the most beloved comedies on television, so the audience had mixed feelings about its ending, which was both exciting and sad.
Most importantly, TBBT's finale was quite eventful. Following the gang on a trip to Sweden where Sheldon and Amy are about to receive the Nobel Prize in Physics, the episode The Stockholm Syndrome sees Sheldon upsetting his friends in a major way and making up with them after acknowledging their support in his acceptance speech as well as the revelation of Penny's pregnancy. Interestingly, however, the finale was largely foreshadowed back in Season 7, which is often overlooked by viewers.
A Séance of Clairvoyance
In the twenty-first episode of Season 7, Sheldon, Amy, Leonard and Penny decide to get to know their best friends' partners better. As a result, Leonard and Amy go on a friendly date together, which turns out to be horribly boring and 'weird.' Meanwhile, Sheldon and Penny hang out and wander the streets of Pasadena.
Near the end of the evening, Sheldon and Penny stumble upon a psychic. Penny insists on going in and seeing what happens, while Sheldon is clearly reluctant, considering such things to be 'extra jumbo mumbo jumbo'. But he accedes to Penny's request. And even though he doesn't believe the psychic's predictions, he keeps them in mind. And ironically, the show unfolds almost exactly according to the woman's fortune-telling.
The Key to Success
During the séance, Penny asked the psychic to advise Sheldon on what to do next with his career. Despite his incredulity, the fortune-teller spoke of a dark-haired woman with whom he was romantically involved (Amy). The psychic said she felt the couple had some issues, and that resolving them would help Sheldon achieve professional success.
'Personally and professionally, everything will fall into place once you commit to her,' the woman told Dr. Cooper.
Sheldon was visibly upset by what she'd told him and stormed out of the room. And the scene was quickly forgotten, but it foreshadowed the development of the entire show.
As Sheldon and Amy grew closer and eventually married in Season 11, they reached new heights in their scientific careers, developing the asymmetry theory and winning the Nobel Prize. And judging from Dr. Cooper's stories on Young Sheldon, he and Amy lived happily ever after. So the psychic was right after all...
Source: YouTube.