The Big Bang Theory Fans Are Adamant This Is the Worst Things Amy Did on the Show

The road to hell is paved with good intentions, they say.
- Amy's flaws do not make her funny, unlike the rest of the characters.
- In Season 8, Amy crossed the line and hurt Bernadette with her actions.
- Fans of the show are unanimous in their condemnation of Amy's actions.
Anyone who has ever watched The Big Bang Theory knows that there are not a lot of nice people on the show. Sure, the TBBT characters aren't as dysfunctional and utterly obnoxious as those on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, but you wouldn't want to be around them very often, either.
Howard is a sex-obsessed freak. Raj is a creep. Leonard and Bernadette are passive-aggressive. Penny is always overreacting. And Sheldon is... well, Sheldon. But these terrible qualities make for good comedy on the show. Meanwhile, Amy's meddlesome and preachy demeanor does not win her any favor with the audience. And this scene may be a prime example of how awful Amy can be at times.
A Bad Friend
In the seventh episode of season 8, the girl part of the gang got together to discuss the latest news about Bernadette's career. Dr. Rostenkowski had been offered a photo shoot for a magazine article on 'the fifty sexiest female scientists in California', which she was very excited about. But Amy immediately felt the need to rain on her parade, criticizing the very idea of such a publication, since a successful microbiologist like Bernadette should be celebrated for her accomplishments, not her looks.
Of course, Amy had a valid point, and she had every right to express her opinions and complaints about such publications, but it was what she did after their conversation that many people consider her worst action on the show.
After their disagreement over publication, Amy contacted the magazine's editors and berated them for exploiting the sexuality of female scientists when the focus should be on their achievements. As a result, the magazine agreed that it was a lousy decision and dropped the article altogether, which meant that Bernadette would not be participating in the photo shoot. Needless to say, she was quite upset about the missed opportunity.
TBBT Fans Disapprove
Although Amy had the best of intentions, she disregarded her friend's wishes and messed up the whole situation.
'Amy is entitled to her opinion and she may have been right in what she said, but the second she went behind her friend's back and sabotaged her she was dead wrong,' one YouTuber pointed out.
In the end, the mistake was for Bernadette to make as she said to Amy during their argument over the cancellation of the publication.
'Regardless of what Amy thinks, Bernadette should have been allowed to make that choice by herself, and to wholly determine the outcome. Friends should allow each other opportunities to decide, unless the situation threatens life and/or limb,' another YouTube user observed.
Anyway, TBBT never fully explored the situation, and the two were friends again in the next episode.
Source: YouTube.