The 8 Most Annoying Side Characters in the Harry Potter Series

Lovable characters, magic, mysteries, and mind-blowing plot twists have made the story of Harry Potter one of the most popular (and profitable) franchises in history.
J.K. Rowling put tangible effort into ensuring it was a character-driven story about a group of kids overcoming obstacles to defeat evil and learning to grow up along the way, but as in any other franchise, there are a handful of characters that the fans just cannot stand.
Some were just written that way - an intentionally unlikable character that drives the story further. Other times, a single annoying quality just ruins a character for the audience.
Here are the eight most annoying characters in the Harry Potter franchise.
Dolores Umbridge
On top of being one of the franchise’s evilest villains, Umbridge’s entire demeanor was often annoying to fans. Whether it was her cocky smirk, her feline-riddled office, or her penchant for pink, fans’ hatred for Umbridge was for far more reasons than just her villainy. She was cruel and annoying - the perfect combination for one of the franchise’s most reviled antagonists.
Her annoyingness served a greater purpose, however - it highlighted the corrupt nature of the Ministry of Magic, giving Harry another nemesis to overcome before the franchise’s climactic finish.
Gilderoy Lockhart
To lie is one thing, to do so pathologically is another. And the way Professor Lockhart was so pompous and egotistical about his false boastings really rubbed fans the wrong way. He was nothing more than a total fraud who’d used the Memory Charm to trick people into thinking he was some sort of a hero. It was a wonderful stroke of irony when that same charm made him lose his memory.
While he wasn’t particularly wicked, his desire to be known as something better than he was ended up being grating for fans.
Rita Skeeter
Sensationalist journalists are among reality’s most annoying people, so the dishonest writer for Harry Potter’s Daily Prophet has to make this list. She would do anything for a story, preferring to write about what people liked to read rather than what they needed to know. She was a liar who dug up drama, even if it wasn’t true, not caring who it affected.
While her acts weren’t as dastardly as others on this list, she was a callous journalist who cared far more about sensationalism than giving her audience the truth.
Percy Weasley
Things like ambition and obedience to the law are both noble traits, but Ron’s older brother had a snobbishness that rubbed fans the wrong way. His arrogance and his desire to climb the ranks of the Ministry caused a rift between him and his family. He chose his career over his relationships, blinded by stubbornness and his desire to be great. Though he was eventually redeemed, he was one of the franchise’s most annoying characters for a long stretch of time.
His arc served as a lesson, a warning against the pursuit of success at all costs.
Lavender Brown
Lavender wasn’t a bad person, and she was a nice enough character, but her entire relationship with Ron Weasley was cringey. She was overly clingy and far too affectionate - annoyingly calling Ron “Won-Won.” She was overdramatic and too protective, and fans were ecstatic when they broke up. But the Gryffindor was incredibly brave, and unfortunately was killed during the Battle of Hogwarts.
To many fans, her behavior was far more annoying than endearing. But however they felt about her during life, no one was happy to see her die.
Moaning Myrtle
Sure, Hogwarts’ ghost is a tragic figure, but that doesn’t mean she’s not annoying. Her constant complaints get on fans' nerves. She’s constantly wailing about anything and everything, to the point where girls avoid using the bathrooms on her floor. Her fixation on Harry goes far beyond creepy, disregarding his privacy and watching him bathe.
Cornelius Fudge
Fudge may have been the least effective Minister in the history of the Wizarding World. He was a coward who cared more about his own politics than protecting the world he was sworn to serve. In that cowardice, he still managed to be cocky and stubborn, unable to see the dangers posed by Voldemort. After proof had emerged that Harry and Dumbledore were indeed telling the truth about He Who Should Not Be Named, he was taken from his position in utter disgrace.
Aunt Marge
Marge was entitled, arrogant, and cruel - she was unpleasant to look at and a character hated by all. She spoiled her nephew Dudley - Harry’s cousin on the other side of the family. All of her annoying habits were relatively miniscule until she started bad-mouthing Harry’s late parents. Despite having a small role, she was easily one of the least-favorite characters in Harry Potter history.