The 10 Pilot Episodes That Nailed It from the Get-Go

The 10 Pilot Episodes That Nailed It from the Get-Go
Image credit: globallookpress

We can all agree on #1.

We all know the feeling you get when everybody’s talking about a show you gave up on after the pilot, so now you’re playing catch up. But some grab you from the pilot.

Although, we don’t always agree on what makes a great pilot? It turns out not. Let’s look at 10 of the best pilot episodes ranked by Rotten Tomatoes and find out whether Redditors agree:

10. Westworld (2016 – 2022) – Score 80%

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The sci-fi western starring James Marsden and Evan Rachel Wood became the most watched first season of any HBO original. If that doesn’t tell you this was a great pilot, what does?

One Redditor said, 'The pilot could have been a theatrical movie and been a smash hit. It was actually a complete story with a great ending.'

Rotten Tomatoes described season 1 as 'brilliantly addictive' but rated the show 80%. Perhaps the show lost its way a bit after the brilliant pilot.

9. Lost (2004 – 2010) – Score 85%

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When it was released, Lost was arguably the most ground-breaking pilot ever. - bursting with intrigue, it had viewers clamouring for more. Once again, the way the show tailed off in later seasons might have influenced Rotten Tomatoes’ view of the show.

But take yourself back to the ending of that pilot episode and try telling me you weren’t hooked! According to Reddit, it’s the 'most memorable pilot' ever. And simply for the way it exploded onto our screens in a way that hadn’t really been seen before, that looks like being a title it’ll hold for a long time to come.

8. Modern Family (2009 – 2020) – Score 85%

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Comedy is a crowded market. And if there’s one thing a new show needs in this genre, it’s a pilot that is both relatable and very funny. Modern Family was both – and it kept up the momentum for 11 seasons.

One Redditor called it 'one of the funniest and well-put-together- comedy pilots ever.' And it’s hard to disagree. It set up the three disparate parts of the family and their dynamics. And, crucially, it made viewers laugh.

7. Legion (2017 - 2018) – Score 91%

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While not the most popular of superhero shows, Legion was critically acclaimed and hit the spot with those viewers who did tune in. And its relative success was largely down to a great pilot episode that set the scene.

It had a different take compared with most movies and shows and its genre, exploring what happens when a mutant with schizophrenia finds that keeping a lid on his powers and not letting them control him, is not as easy as you might think.

6. The Shield (2002 – 2008) – Score 90%

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This show stood out as being a cop show that went against the grain. It wasn’t a procedural as such. How could it be? Vic Mackey was a (sort of) bent copper.

The pilot was gripping and introduced this complex character that you couldn’t help but get behind – even if his methods were a little dubious. The show was an 'absolute banger'- but it all hinged on Michael Chiklis’ performance. And he did a stellar job.

5. House (2002 – 2014) – Score 90%

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Further evidence, if we needed it, that viewers love a character who’s prepared to go a bit rogue in pursuit of a result.

At first, Hugh Laurie seemed an odd choice as the titular character for the show but as one viewer said, his was an 'exceptional performance (from) the pilot episode.'

Rotten Tomatoes described House as 'stubbornly stuck in formula' but couldn’t deny it was 'rich in style.'

4. The Mary Tyler Moore Show (1970 – 1977) – Score 92%

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This pro-feminist series scored 82% and had a pilot that set up the show 'better than any other sitcom' according to one fan. Rotten Tomatoes seemed to agree, saying the show had an exceptional ensemble and a smart sense of humour.'

Mary is a strong, independent woman making her way in man’s world at a time when this particular situation was still pretty rare.

3. The Boys (2019 -) – Score 93%

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If you thought every possible superhero story had been told already, the pilot for Amazon’s The Boys proved you wrong. What, it asked, would happen, if superheroes went rogue?

As pilots go, this was one that absolutely nailed introducing what the show is all about with no sense of ambiguity or confusion. And it’s no surprise it has gone on to be so popular.

Rotten Tomatoes says the show’s 'violent delights' and that it has a 'willingness to engage in heavy, relevant themes' that draws audiences in. And on Reddit, the pilot is described as 'something special' – with one user claiming, 'the show has yet to reach the (same) heights.'

2. Mad Men (2007 – 2015) – Score 94%

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Great TV takes you places. And in the case of Mad Men, where it took viewers was to the sixties. The plot was great, and the acting performances deserved the many awards and nominations they received.

But it was the setting that really made this show. It felt authentic – both in terms 'who Don Draper is and what his world is about.' And it was that sense of realness that made the pilot so great.

1. Breaking Bad (2008 – 2013) – Score 96%

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What else could be number 1? As one Redditor put it, 'the opening scene with Walter in his underwear' was all that was required for you to know you just had to find out what the hell was going on.

And if that caught our attention, Bryan Cranston’s portrayal of Walter White hooked us right in. Throw in the weird relationship with Jesse Pinkman that started to emerge, his failing home life, and a sense of a man spiralling in a fairly controlled manner, and it was compelling viewing right away.

Source: Redditor, Rotten Tomatoes.