TBBT Fans Still Not Over The Show's Biggest (Ugliest) Fight

Season 6, Episode 9 depicts the cringiest standoff of the entire show.
It's been over four years since the last episode of CBS's hit sitcom, The Big Bang Theory, was released, but the show continues to attract viewers from all over the world. However, TBBT wasn't as popular with audiences upon its debut in 2007. Moreover, few people could have predicted the show's huge eventual success.
Comprising an impressive twelve seasons, The Big Bang Theory is one of the longest-running sitcoms of all time. Over its twelve-year run, the show chronicled the lives of four socially inept scientists from Cal Tech as they navigated academia, science, and their personal lives. Arguably, most of TBBT's humor stemmed from the characters' odd interactions. Their petty squabbles were particularly hilarious. However, TBBT featured one particularly cringeworthy confrontation that keeps haunting fans to this day.
Sheldon and Howard's Car Park Fight
This showdown, which occurred mid-series, revolved around Sheldon's university parking spot, which was one day reassigned to Howard after the engineer bought a new car. Considering that Sheldon had never driven or owned a car and thus shouldn't have had a parking spot in the first place, the fight might seem absurd, offering ample opportunity for humor. However, things got real ugly real fast.
For some mysterious reason, Howard chose not to ask the university authorities to help him deal with Sheldon. Instead, when a fight broke out between the two, he physically pushed the eccentric physicist from his newly assigned spot with his car. In retaliation, Sheldon snuck into the vehicle in the nude to spite his, well, friend. Naturally, the awkward and cringe-inducing scene raised many questions among viewers.
Fan Reactions
Although Sheldon is the ultimate fan-favorite, who even got his own spin-off even before the main show ended, the audience agrees that it was one of Dr. Cooper's worst moments. Considering how obnoxious the man can be, that is quite a statement.
'It is one of Sheldon, and especially Amy's, worst episode. Howard has nothing to do with assigning parking spaces and Sheldon acted like a total baby,' a Redditor observed.
Indeed, the fight only served to highlight how childish and socially inept Sheldon was, despite being a genius who would eventually get a Nobel Prize.
'100% on Howard and Bernadette's side. If Sheldon had an issue with losing his spot, it was his responsibility to take it up with the university as they were the ones who took it away,' another Redditor agreed.
Source: Reddit.