Tarantino's List of Terrible Movies: 5 Films to Avoid at All Costs

Tarantino feels that these flicks are a waste of time, but most of us have already watched them.
With film masterpieces like Django Unchained and Pulp Fiction behind his name, we take director Quentin Tarantino's opinions and creative visions seriously.
He has valid reasons for his disdain for these popular films and franchises, although many of them are global hits and cult classics.
The Matrix Reloaded and Matrix Revolution
Tarantino was a big fan of the original Matrix, and at one point worried that it would be competition for his film Kill Bill. This was until the second Matrix was released, and his worries were erased.
The second two Matrix films ruined the mythology for Tarantino, and sent The Matrix down on his list of favorite films. A lesson that sometimes it's better to quit while you're ahead.
Wes Craven's slasher movie is a thrilling cult classic, but Tarantino was underwhelmed, and felt that it was the director that prevented the movie from reaching its real potential, making it disappointing to watch.
The Hunger Games
Set in a dystopian world, a group of youngsters are forced by the government to engage in a brutal fight to the death until a victor emerges.
Sounds familiar right? This is not the plot of The Hunger Games, it's the plot of the 2000 Japanese action film Battle Royale.
Tarantino is a big fan of Battle Royale, and even wishes he could have directed it. His love for Battle Royale is the reason for his disdain towards The Hunger Games, which he feels shamelessly ripped off the 'original,' and with the storylines so similar, this one is hard to argue.
Groundhog Day
February 2nd marks the day fans look forward to rewatching what many consider to be a philosophical masterpiece, and one of Bill Murray's greatest pieces of work, but Tarantino finds it frustrating to watch due to the main character's last minute redemption arc. At the end of the film, Murray was just less sarcastic.
The Inglorious Basterds director has this issue with most of Murray's works, finding that the 'point of all the Bill Murray movies is that he's this kind of hip, cool, curmudgeon, smarta guy, who in the last 20 minutes gets a transformation and becomes this nice guy and almost apologizes for who he was.'
The entire Marvel Cinematic Universe
This will probably make him a villain in the eyes of many fans, but Tarantino does not like Marvel movies and is waiting for the superhero scene to fail, but not for the reasons you may think.
His problem is what he refers to as the 'Marvel-ization of Hollywood,' with the mega-franchise dominating the industry, there is little room for others to compete for attention, as well as the fact that Marvel actors become big name celebrities, but the star of the show, in actuality, is the superhero they play.
Do with this information what you will, but we're inclined to side with one of the most influential directors and cinephiles of our time.