Stupid Character Death in The Blacklist Series Finale Left Fans Devastated

Some characters get hit by trucks. Others, by bulls.
After nearly a decade on the air, NBC's The Blacklist, the story of a fugitive who cooperates with the FBI to help them find dangerous criminals, has come to a dramatic end. But unfortunately, much of the drama around the finale is caused by how confusing, rather than how powerful, it was.
As a matter of fact, things started to get confusing in the eighth season of The Blacklist, and perhaps even earlier. But now, the death of one of the main characters left the audience both baffled and furious.
From the very beginning of the show, many realized that protagonist Raymond Reddington was unlikely to get away and survive the series' finale. As the character turned out to be an impostor posing as Red, fans were actively theorizing and hoping for answers to be revealed at the end of the show. Red did get away after all — and then died, leaving all the mysteries unsolved.
'10 years of build-up, and Red randomly gets killed by a bull?' a confused fan said.
Yep, you heard right. While the most stereotypical way to write a character out is to get them run over by a truck, in the case of The Blacklist, the guy got hit by a bull. Ridiculous.
Realizing that he is the last FBI target on the blacklist, Red flees to Spain. In the final scenes, we see him heading to the Miura Ranch, where the bull that killed famous bullfighter Manolete was once bred. Red sees a bull coming towards him, and then… Ressler finds his mangled body right in the next shot.
'Instead of a thrilling showdown with Ressler, we get some pointless, avoidable bull encounter. The writers were incredibly lazy, they just wanted him dead,' another fan complained.
Without a doubt, this is one of the laziest-written finales in TV series of recent years. Not only was Red's true identity never revealed, but the writers also never answered the question of why Liz, who died in Season 8, was so important to him. In the final scenes, the whole dramatization was pointless and ridiculous, and fans argue that Red should've died in a confrontation with Ressler instead, which would have provided for a more impactful finale.
Ten years of the show led to a rather dissatisfying closure. We didn't get to see how the other characters reacted to Red's death, and we'll never know what happened to them after that. Just a body to haunt our nightmares and a phone call from Ressler telling us he found Red… How disappointing!
Source: Reddit.