Schitt's Creek Fans Are Still Not Over Alexis and Ted's Breakup

Schitt's Creek Fans Are Still Not Over Alexis and Ted's Breakup
Image credit: CBC

It's been three years since the finale, but fans are still mourning the unexpected breakup of the beloved characters.

After its premiere in 2015, Schitt's Creek proved to be one of the most moving sitcoms out there.

For six seasons, fans watched as the bankrupt Rose family came to terms with their plight and learned to live among the average middle-income residents of the small, remote town of Schitt's Creek.

The highlight of the show was how the spoiled children of Johnny Rose, Alexis and David, dealt with their snootiness. In particular, people enjoyed following Alexis' relationship with her boyfriend Ted, and the couple's breakup in Season 6 was devastating for many. Even now, three years after the finale, lots of fans are still not over the tragic split, lamenting the characters' failed love story but still admiring how powerful that ending was.

'It was such a mature breakup, and written beautifully. It shows that you can love someone very much, but life will just take you on different paths,' one of the fans wrote on Reddit.

Ted immediately proved to be a positive thing for Alexis in the circumstances that were not positive at all. Despite not having the rich life of Alexis' ex-boyfriends, the veterinarian was immediately attracted to her and even wanted to ask her to marry him, which was something she was clearly not ready for. Ted didn't turn his back on her, though, and even offered Alexis a job at his veterinary clinic when she needed money to continue her education.

The two characters developed a close friendship that evolved into romantic feelings. Unfortunately, they were not destined to stay together — Ted was accepted into a research program in the Galápagos Islands, and Alexis had to stay in the country and pursue her own dreams here.

One of the show's creators and the actor behind David Rose, Dan Levy revealed that the original plan for Ted’s character and Alexis was to get them engaged by the finale. However, he and the creative team decided to change the script eventually.

'I felt like it would be more fulfilling to that character [Alexis] to have loved and lost and been set on a track that is leading her into her future rather than settle with someone at the end of the show,' Levy explained.

Although viewers expected a happy ending, the decision to make the characters break up proved to be the most powerful, as it conveyed the personal growth of both Ted and Alexis. Nevertheless, some fans are still hoping that the two will be reunited one day.

'I absolutely see them getting back together later in life after they've both accomplished wildly successful careers,' another fan shared their hopes.

It is not uncommon for successful TV shows to grow into something larger, expanding their universes through spin-offs or feature films. Although, at the moment, there are no such rumors about Schitt's Creek, the sitcom certainly could develop a new story, hopefully delighting its fans with Alexis and Ted's reunion.

Source: EW.