Ryan Seacrest Could Have Been an American Idol Judge Instead of Hosting It

Ryan Seacrest Could Have Been an American Idol Judge Instead of Hosting It
Image credit: ABC

Imagine what the show would be like with Seacrest among the judges.

A renowned media personality and producer who has worked on shows like Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution and Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Ryan Seacrest has been hosting American Idol for 11 years now, and it's impossible to imagine the hit singing competition without him.

In fact, the producers saw him as part of the reality show ever since the whole idea was conceived, but Seacrest wasn't initially offered to host American Idol — instead, he was meant to take a place on the judging panel!

Ryan shared this surprising detail with Kelly Clarkson, the first-ever winner of American Idol, as he reunited with the singer on her show. Seacrest revealed that the producers heard him on radio and thought he could make a great judge on the upcoming show.

'And I was like, "Well, wait a minute. I would love to audition to be the host," Ryan said.

At the time, he was working on KYSR, an alternative rock radio station in Los Angeles. Not surprisingly, the American Idol producers thought Seacrest's musical taste and expertise made him competent enough to judge aspiring singers on the show. However, the star's calling as a host proved stronger.

'So I auditioned eventually to be the host. And I got the job. So I'm happy to still have the job,' Seacrest continued.

Unlike the producers, Ryan himself thought he wasn't fit to be a judge, as he wouldn't be able to competently explain to the singers what they did right or wrong. Instead, he was certain he had the ability to entertain the audience and support the contestants, and his 11-year-long tenure as the show's host certainly proved that.

'The problem is I'm like in auto-host mode all the time, so I don't know that I'd be able to sit behind the desk and just give feedback,' the star concluded.

Of course, it would be fascinating to see Ryan Seacrest as a judge, but if he accepted the position he was offered, another person would have hosted American Idol all these years — and it would be a completely different show altogether!

Source: The Kelly Clarkson Show.