Ridiculous Stefan Plot Hole That Makes Precisely Zero Sense to Vampire Diaries Fans

Over the course of nearly eight years, we have grown to love The Vampire Diaries.
And despite equally good (if not better) spin-offs in the franchise, The Originals and Legacies, the initial vampire show has become a true classic of contemporary pop culture.
However! It's hard not to agree that the script was far from well written. Dozens of questionable script decisions, not always satisfying character resolutions, and, of course, plot holes, oh plot holes!
And perhaps the most ridiculous lore inconsistency has to do with TVD's main character, Stefan Salvatore, played by Paul Wesley. This point was so critical that fans still wonder what the writers were thinking, as they literally retconned the entire setting.
We're talking about the mind compulsion ability, which has worn off with Stefan's curation of vampirism and transformation back into a human form.
This is the ability to control the victim's mind through eye contact, which has been actively used by many superpowered beings in The Vampire Diaries universe.
In the final episode of season 8, Stefan is confronted with numerous victims who were compelled and now, with his transformation into a human, they are haunting him, trying to make him pay for his manipulations.
"The one that bothers me the most is the whole "compulsion breaks when a vampire becomes human" thing. If that were the case, I'm pretty sure there would be thousands of people who would suddenly know about the existence of vampires when Katherine, Elena, and Damon became human. Not to mention Rebekah…" Reddit user sapphicsato says.
Indeed, if the ability is so common, why is Stefan the only one paying for it? After all, he is far from the first to be cured of vampirism.
"Like I can't stand when writers completely change up an entire plot line just to fit in some story. No way in hell there weren't more people rioting and cracking down EVEN HARDER on vamps after being aware of their compulsion," Redditor LongWaysForResults complaints.
Such a plot twist seems illogical since normal people would have long been aware of their coexistence with superbeings.
Overall, this whole storyline seems to have been written at the very last moment to tie into Stefan's redemption arc, as he would have had to answer for all his deeds one way or another and finally find a peace in the Bright World.