Reddit Picks 7 Queen Charlotte Lines That Totally Stole the Show

Reddit Picks 7 Queen Charlotte Lines That Totally Stole the Show
Image credit: Netflix

From clever banter to heartwarming moments, Queen Charlotte fans pick the show's most memorable lines.

In the realm of Bridgerton, few characters can match the magnetic presence of Queen Charlotte. Her regal elegance, razor-sharp wit, and undeniable charisma have made her an instant fan favorite. Now, the spin-off prequel where she takes center stage, Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story, brings audiences on an exciting journey filled with new characters and storylines.

And as the show's first season has unfolded, fans can't stop discussing their favorite moments and quotes. So, hold onto your corsets, dearest readers, as we unveil seven lines that stole the show, handpicked by the devoted fan community on Reddit.

1. 'Sorrows, sorrows, prayers.'

In a scene from the first episode of the season, Queen Charlotte consoles a weeping Prince George with her half-hearted sympathy. This iconic line has taken the internet by storm, finding its way into social media in the form of TikTok videos and memes and some fans have reported that they're already using it in their own real-life situations.

2. 'Virgins to the left of me, whores to the right.'

Queen Charlotte reprimands her children when they mention having 'business' to attend to, questioning if it involves fornicating with mistresses. When her sons remind her of the presence of impressionable ladies (referring to her daughters), she humorously quips, 'No sexual innuendo makes an impression upon your sisters. I wish it did, that they might get ideas to marry and start fornicating.

Perhaps, then, I might have legitimate grandbabies. Instead, virgins to the left of me, whores to the right.'

3. 'Georgie, be a good boy and approve your brothers' marriages.'

In episode 5, Queen Charlotte's sons object to the marriages she wants to arrange for them. Addressing her eldest son George, who is in charge due to their father's incapacity and has the sole authority to approve any marriage within the royal house, she sarcastically acknowledges their concerns and tells George to go ahead and approve his brothers' marriages.

4. 'You did not go over the wall.'

In the final moments of the season, Charlotte visits King George to share the news that their son Edward is expecting a baby. When she sees that George is lost in his own world, she crawls under the bed, just like they used to. Amidst heartfelt words of love and gratitude, George points out that she didn't go over the wall. This emotional scene left many fans moved to tears, touched by their bond.

5. 'I will stand with you between the heavens and the Earth. I will tell you where you are.'

In this climactic scene in the season finale, George admits his mental health struggles to Charlotte. With heartfelt vulnerability, he declares himself a madman, a danger to himself and others, and describes how the heavens and the Earth collide within his mind, not knowing where he is.

However, none of that matters to Charlotte, and she delivers this profoundly touching line, showing her unwavering support and loyalty.

6. 'I am Venus.'

When King George runs outside in the middle of the night, screaming to the sky, greeting Venus, Charlotte tells him that she is Venus and that she's going to retreat indoors, urging him to follow along. This scene resonated deeply with fans, who admired Charlotte for not displaying any judgment and for her unwavering compassion for him.

7. 'I do not remember names. I am female.'

Princess Augusta addresses members of the House of Lords, assuring them of her son's health and mentioning his new doctor. However, she's not sure of the doctor's name and cleverly adds, 'I do not remember names. I am female,' eliciting no objections from the lords.

Source: Reddit.