
Radcliffe's Dream Reboot Role Makes Harry Potter TV Series Way Better

Radcliffe's Dream Reboot Role Makes Harry Potter TV Series Way Better
Image credit: Legion-Media

Iconic movies cannot but be remade every once in a while.

Based on J. K. Rowling's books of the same name, the Harry Potter movie series revolves around the titular character and his friends as they grow up and try to save the wizarding world from evil forces.

The franchise comprises eight movies, a play, and a three-part spin-off. And just recently, a TV show reboot by HBO was announced, giving many fans goosebumps.

Obviously, one of the problems that arise with the news of the TV reboot is, who will be cast to star in it? Certainly, old-time fans of the books and the classic franchise would love to see the original actors make at least cameo appearances, if not given full-blown roles. But what parts could they play?

Daniel Radcliffe, the Harry Potter actor himself, has actually shared his own view on this. Bantering with the hosts of the Happy Sad Confused podcast back in 2021, the star revealed he was eager to participate in a new Harry Potter installment. What's more, Radcliffe expressed his desire to play two particular characters: Sirius Black or Remus Lupin, portrayed by Gary Oldman and David Thewlis in the original movies.

The actor simply said he considered them as 'great' and went on to explain his choice:

'I'm obviously biased by my experience of filming those scenes with those people, and they're like some of my favorite memories.'

Radcliffe also said that he wasn't jealous of other people playing Harry Potter. In fact, Daniel told the hosts that other people taking up his role was inevitable because the story is so beloved and would be adapted again sooner or later.

Of course, fans of the magical saga were actually taken by surprise, learning that the reboot would be happening so soon! And everyone would certainly be excited to see Daniel Radcliffe take part in the new Max show, playing Sirius, Lupin, or any other character in fact. Though this is only wishful thinking now, the actor's willingness to star as one of those beloved characters might attract the attention of the show's producers!

Source: Happy Sad Confused.